Part 2

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Welcome to Part 2 of this new story - thank you everyone who has so far read, commented or voted on this story - here is the new chapter, pre warning it is a long one. Enjoy!!

Beacon Hills Sheriff Station

Sheriff Noah Stilinski was sat as his desk twiddling his phone in between his fingers as he stared at the files in front of him; three fires in the past two weeks, he knows who ever is setting these needs catching quickly.

Right now he is debating whether or not he should call in reinforcements to assist as this was a much bigger incident then his department would normally handle; the other part of him was wondering if he was just using these fires as an excuse to speak with Stiles.

This was the longest period they had ever not spoken during; the time he was erased from everyone's memories doesn't count; but the last time they spoke Stiles had sounded broken and lost. Lydia had left him during the middle of the night, no explanation just packed up her stuff and left.

Noah clicked his phone and scrolled down to Stiles's name before taking a deep breathe and hitting dial; he waited for Stiles to pick up while debating whether or not he should hang up.

Hey, this is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a message!

Noah couldn't decide if this was better or worse then Stiles actually picking up the phone; now he has the choice whether or not to leave a message or just hang up.

"Hey Stiles, it's Dad, Obviously, anyway just give me a quick shout when you get this; need you help with a case. Speak soon." Noah rushed out before hanging up, his dislike of leaving voicemails is still going strong.

Before he can focus anymore on the message a knock on the office door broke him out of his thoughts, he waved in Mason who had that look about him.

"Sorry to bother you sir, but we have another fire. I would grab Parrish but he is out dealing with our other recurring issue." Mason stutters out despite working here for several years now and knowing the Sheriff for longer he still gets nervous.

"I'll come with you; also how many times have I told you to call me Noah." Noah smiled grabbing his jacket and keys before following Mason and into the car before setting off towards the latest fire.

As they arrived at the fire, Noah shot off a quick text message knowing this person maybe able to help them with both the fire issue and the other issue Parrish was handling right now considering it involved his shop and family.

"So the incident Parrish is handling, do you need me to call him?" Mason asks Noah knowing he knew exactly who he was speaking about.

"I got it, he is coming to help with this lot anyway; speak of the devil." Noah states looking directly ahead to see the figure of Derek Hale coming into sight, hands in pocket swaggering his way towards them.

"You are right these fires are connected; it's not gasoline used but seems to be a chemical accelerant instead." Derek advises stopping in front of Noah and Mason as the fire fighters continue to check the area to make sure all of the fire is out.

"That makes four fires in two weeks; safe to say Beacon Hills has a serial arsonist on the loose. Do I need to call in the FBI?" Noah states as Mason's phone rings once again flashing Parrish's name before he forwards it to voicemail.

"Well maybe you should try calling your son instead!" Derek suggests surprised that Noah hadn't already done this, maybe something was happening.

Before Noah can answer, Mason's phone ring once again and after a quick look shared between Noah and Mason he quickly rejects the call again.

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