Part 10

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Welcome everyone once again to Part 10 - apologies for any confusion caused, when I re-read back the last chapter it didn't track the way I wanted this story to go - so welcome to the re-do of Part 10 - enjoy!!

Lydia was happily humming along to the song on the radio as she listened to Stiles drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as Jamie giggled from his car seat; she thought she knew what love was and then she became a Mum and learned the true meaning of unconditionally love.

Lydia rested her hand on her growing belly wondering what amazing things their third little one is going to accomplish. As she sighs once more with content and happiness; Stiles's mobile starts ringing from its holder.

"Hey Pops, we are about ten minutes away from yours. I hope Ali Cat has been behaving herself." Stiles greets his Dad with a warm smile present on his face and he continues driving down the road tapping along to the now quieter music.

"Do I really need to answer that; everyone compared to you is always behaving themselves." Noah joked causing Lydia and Stiles to laugh as Jamie carried on baby babbling in the background.

"Just wanted to give you a heads up that the rain is getting much heavier here; if it is easier for you to head home Ali can stay with me tonight and I can drop her back before shift tomorrow." Noah suggested as Lydia and Stiles glance quickly towards each other nodding in agreement that this was the best plan.

"Yeah Dad, that sounds like it will be the best plan right now. I can swing by on the way to visit my......" Lydia starts to answer before lights start blinding her vision and the unmistakable sight of a truck appears right in front of them.

"Stiles!!! Watch out!" Lydia screams as Stiles quickly jolts the steering wheel to try and swerve them out of the way of the incoming vehicle.

Lydia feels as though everything is happening in slow motion and there was nothing she could do about it; she cradled here arms tightly around her stomach as Stiles continued to fight with his Jeep to get it out of the way.

"Lydia, Stiles; what's going on?? Please answer me!" Noah screams down the phone powerless as he can only hear the events unfolding and not been able to do anything about it.

Lydia closes her eyes right before the truck impacted with the Jeep sending them spinning faster in a circle before the Jeep flips several times; everything around Lydia goes silent but she can still feel the Jeep rotating and the shards of broken glass scratching her skin.

Lydia gasps back away her arms cradling her unborn child; it takes her a few moments to register that she is lying on the ground, it takes her another moment to register what had happened to get her in this situation before it all comes crashing back to her.

"Stiles!! Jamie!!" Lydia screams struggling to her feet, taking a moment to pause once she fully got to her feet to allow the dizziness to pass before she starts slowly shuffling towards the overturned Jeep.

Lydia hears the glass crunching underneath her feet with every step she took, the silence coming from the Jeep was scaring her as she got nearer to the Jeep she could see someone slumped on the floor.

"Stiles? Stiles, you need to wake up." Lydia shouts but her breathe catches in her throat as she moves closer and notices his eyes are frozen open but he is not seeing her or the world around them anymore.

"Stiles!!!!" Lydia screams into the dark rainy night, in the distance she can hear the sound of sirens getting closer but she knew no matter how fast they came there was no saving Stiles.

Lydia pulls herself away from looking at Stiles's cold face and moves towards the back of the Jeep, she notices the impact dent crushing Stiles's door and the backdoor directly behind him.

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