Part 7

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Welcome to Part 7 - apologies for the delay migraines suck. Thank you everyone who has read, voted and commented so far - I hope you enjoy this new part!!

"I don't understand why nobody told me, I would have dropped everything and gone to them." Scott states finally after ten minutes of sitting in silence just watching Stiles sleep.

"They didn't really tell anyone, once Stiles was released from the hospital, they packed up his things and acted as though he never existed, but it took a strain on their relationship which I think caused Lydia to walk away. Can't really blame either of them, they were grieving, still are even if they try to hide it." Noah explained his eyes never leaving Stiles's face as his hand stroked through his hair.

Silence fell between the two men once again before they were asked to leave by a Hospital Porter advising Melissa had ordered Stiles to have a few scans. They make their way back to Eli and Allision's room; relieved to find the younger one of the two now awake and sitting up in bed talking with his Dad.

"Eli! It's good to see your awake bud." Scott states smiling for the first time that after, he leans over and gives his godson a hug; holding it a bit tighter and longer especially now after learning what he had just learnt.

Scott pulled back and looked over towards Allison's bed and was surprised to see it was empty, he walked over to it and found the hospital id band snapped and discarded on the bed.

"Derek, where is Allison?" Scott enquires lifting the band up to show the trio the broken band, Eli looked confused between the three adults.

"I don't know, she was there when I went to the bathroom but was gone when I returned, and Eli was awake, so I got a bit distracted. Maybe they took her for more tests." Derek suggests before the alarms and intercom ring out above them.

"Eli, stay here and don't move no matter what." Scott states firmly as Derek, Noah and Scott leave the room swiftly closing the door with a click behind them.

Chris and Parrish appear looking confused which was quickly cleared up with a brief explanation, Melissa advises the Hospital is in lockdown until the missing patient is located.

"Security has done a basic sweep but it came up clear; cameras don't show them leaving so safe to assume they are still in the building. Wait, where is Lydia?" Melissa asks looking around expecting to have found Lydia waiting with them to hear news on Stiles.

"She went to make a call but hasn't returned, wait what do you mean they? Who else has vanished?" Scott asks his Mum confused on who she was referring to, as far as they all knew Allison was the only one unaccounted for.

"Allison and Stiles; by the look on your faces, I guess you didn't know about Stiles." Chris answers first and reads the shocked expressions on those stood in front him.

Lydia races up to them her cheeks flushed and slightly out of breath, once she catches her breath back, she advises them that Allision had been spotted coming out of the doctor's locker room dressed in jeans, t-shirt, jacket and baseball cap.

They split up with Chris, Melissa and Parrish heading towards the direction Allision was last spotted and Scott, Lydia and Noah heading towards the last known whereabouts of Stiles. Derek advised he was staying here with Eli in case either Allison or Stiles returns there.

When Stiles had woken up on the gurney heading towards the MRI machine, when the nurse left to check him in; he quickly disconnected his IV and cables and ran away; he managed to easily get some clothes before the alarms started ringing.

He managed to swipe a walkie talkie off a passing guard before slipping into a supply room a few doors down from the entrance; he quickly fiddles with the volume dial lowering it down before waiting to hear what the plan was.

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