Part 12

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Welcome everyone to Part 12 of this story - thank you everyone so much who has read, voted or commented on this story so far; it has just reached 5k views which is amazing to me. To celebrate here is a new chapter with a few twists and turns and Harry Potter references for those HP fans out there. Enjoy!

Lydia and Jackson arrived at the Station; it wasn't their original intended destination, but Lydia had a feeling that this is where they needed to go to help Scott best; arriving at the Station reminded Lydia of the time the Ghost Riders passed through town but something wasn't right.

"We are not alone." Lydia whispers towards Jackson as they slow step inside before hearing a distant crash coming from the Station's armour is.

Jackson stepped in front of Lydia and slowly started inching forward causing Lydia to tut and step around Jackson and kick down the door of the armoury first; surprisingly inside was not who they expected.

"Melissa? Chris? How?" Lydia stumbles out before racing to quickly gather them in a quick hug in relief that they were still around.

"Honestly we are not really sure, after the Oni arrived and you guys took off, we just stayed their waiting for them to swipe us away like the rest but instead they just vanished." Melissa advises as they exit the armoury and head to sit in the ball-pen area to have more room to talk things through.

"So, who's left then other than us four and Scott that could be connected with all of this?" Jackson asks pulling out a chair with a screech before plonking himself down and resting his feet up on the desk.

"Could be everyone left, or he has everyone he wants already; that's the one issue with a Nogitsune they are the ultimate tricksters so you never know what they have planned." Chris advises his eyes fixed on the bench sitting under the window of Stilinski's office, the memories of the explosion still clear in his mind.

Light slowly starts to stream through the blinds as the sun rises once again as Jackson swings his feet off the desk and heads to make everyone a coffee; Lydia tracks him go but she quickly gets distracted by a familiar figure stood in the corner of the room.

"Stiles?" Lydia whisper breathes out looking in shock towards the corner, gently lifting herself out of her chair as Melissa and Chris look at her in confusion before turning around and looking in the same direction as Lydia.

"Stiles, is this real? How are you here right now?" Lydia asks gently stepping forward before being stopped by Melissa as Jackson steps back into the room; the coffee noticeably absent from his hands.

"Ceasing to exist I think." Stiles ghostly voice states before he vanishes from sight pulling a few of Lydia's heart strings with him.

"Wait, come back!" Lydia cries out into the spot Stiles had just disappeared from as she clung onto Melissa for some sort of strength to not fully break down.

Jackson moved to stand in front of Lydia and Melissa as Chris slowly moved towards the corner waving his hand as though trying to find anything hidden there. Melissa had managed to guide Lydia back into her chair as Jackson produced a glass of water.

"Can't see anything that could have caused the projection, or any cameras anywhere so can't really explain how that happened." Chris reported as he returned to stand with the group, worry filling the group more at what they saw and the potential it was real.

"He sounded so scared and ghostly; what did he mean when he said he was ceasing to exist?" Lydia asked through sobs while Melissa held tightly onto her hand and rubbed a small circle around her back.

Trouble is as much as Melissa, Chris and Jackson wished to provided Lydia with some sort of answer or explanation nothing they could think of could answer what they had all just witnessed. Luckily for them Chris spotted Stiles's return.

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