Part 3

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Welcome to Part 3, thank you so much everyone who has read, voted or commented on this story so far - I hope you enjoy this new part!

Few hours earlier.........

Beacon Hills Reserve

Pulling up at the edge of the Reserve sent realisation through Scott of what he was here to attempt, he did realise also this would be the first time he would be seeing Malia since they called things off; it was a mutual agreement between the pair but Scott still had feelings for her.

Those feelings he buried down after remembering he was here to help his first love; who despite been dead for nearly 20 years remains his one true anchor. Chris and Deaton had decided to follow some leads Chris had been told by other hunters, so Scott took a deep breathe before continuing to drive an old path he had only taken once; but it was the path that had taken everything from him.

He finally stops and turns off the engine outside of the ruins of the building; after what had occurred here, Sheriff Stilinski had the Mayor agree to have the old facility torn down. Scott remember the last time he waited outside of these gates when they had arrived to save Lydia.

Stiles freshly unvoided looking paler and weaker than Scott knew, knowing there was a chance by saving Lydia and killing the Nogitsune it could still kill him also, but he hadn't cared at all. Isaac there because he didn't want to do homework, but Scott knew it was to be with Allision; Allision there to save her best friend.

Scott shook his head and exited the vehicle, he just need to get what he needed and be gone; he stopped at the spot where Allision had died in his arms confessing her love for him; as bent down and felt the cold earth footsteps crunched nearby.

He raised to his feet and looked over his shoulder to see Lydia approaching; this wasn't the Lydia he knew though. The Lydia in front of him looked fragile almost to point she would break if anyone touches her, her face was drawn in and deep set bags had settled under her eyes from what looked like a combination of tears and lack of sleep.

"Hey Scott, is this really true? Is Allison stuck unable to crossover?" Lydia asks giving him a gentle hug as she reaches him before standing next to him remembering her own time at this place as the Nogitsune's prisoner.

"I don't know but if it is we need to help her before anyone else gets hurt. I'm not sure how though." Scott honestly stated knowing Lydia was one of the people other then Stiles he can be his true and honest self with.

"I may be able to help with that; now I haven't used my powers in a few months so they are a bit rusty, but I was sat in my office and did all this in a trance; now this part seems to have instructions on what to do and I am guessing if I pop them all together it will show us where. Now we know where Allison is as we have visited it once before; Bardo." Lydia explains taking several pieces of paper from her bag and showing them to Scott, one has Bardo written in large bold letters at the centre of something.

"Rusty, you say! Alright so what is the first part?" Scott states looking at disbelief in Lydia and wondering what had caused her to stop using her powers; a few months also connected with when her and Stiles split so maybe connected.

"So we need to bring a sample of the earth from where she died and the weapon that ended her life to wherever this place is." Lydia advises as Scott crouches down and in a single punch breaks the ground surface taking a handful of dirt from the ground.

Lydia held open a silk cloth collecting the earth before sealing it quickly and placing it into her bag, her phone dinged with a notification as Scott stood and wiped the earth from his hand.

"Ah brilliant, Chris has the sword and will meet us at your house. It's okay your Mum is at work and who I brought with me to help us in present also." Lydia advises placing her phone back in her pocked before they start heading towards Scott's vehicle.

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