Part 14

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Welcome to chapter 14, thank you so much everyone who has patiently waited for this update - I have been suffering with my mental health issues recently so I apologise for the delay in getting this posted. Also a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted or commented so far on this story, it has just reached 7k reads which is amazing to me - I hope you enjoy this new update.

Allison dropped Scott onto the dark cold floor of the locker room at the first possible chance, the words he had spoken to her rattling around in her head as she tried to piece together what was fact and what was fiction.

As she sat and watched a bead of sweat dribble down the side of Scott's face while his body was trying to fight and reject the poison, she placed inside him; she could see the black veins peaking out from the collar of his shirt and for the first time she had a sense of worry that he may actually die.

"You could save him you know." A gentle voice stated from behind Allison, she jumped at the sound as hadn't seen anyone present in the room when she arrived, nor had she seen anyone enter while she had been sat here.

Allison turned towards the voice and was surprised to spot a young boy standing there almost ghostly in appearance, Allison felt like she having to focus hard to keep the young face clear in her sight.

The young boy moved gently towards her before sitting down next to her as though he had known her all his life, yet Allison had no idea who this young boy was. She studied him closely as his eyes looked towards Scott and a frown appeared on his face.

"Uncle Scott is not looking good; you can save him Auntie Allison just like you did before. Remember!" The little boy states softly before placing his hand gently on Allison's face as the memories flood in of her stitching Scott's wound on the dirty bathroom floor.

"You know he never forgot you, even when he dated Kira and Malia you were always the first thing he thought about when he woke up. The first day of senior year when the tradition of signing the library shelf with your initials, he placed yours right next to his so you could never be forgotten." Stiles's voice rung out in the room as he appeared and took a seat next to the little boy who snuggled into Stiles's side briefly before making his way over to Scott.

"Sti..." Scott's voice whispers out as his head droops to the other side and his eyes slit open before closing once again as the young boy stroked his hand through Scott's hair.

"Stiles? How? But your dead?" Allison stuttered out staring at Stiles with a look of confusion and fear present, nothing about this was making sense anymore.

"So are you." Stiles chuckles out as a rare smile appears onto Allison's face.

"Allison, I can't even begin to imagine the confusion you are feeling right now. The person in front of you has the face of someone you once called you a dear friend but also the face of the person who took your future from you."

"Right now, I need you to fully remember the Allison we all know and love; the Allison who defied her family's rules just to save the man she loved, the person who sacrificed her life to save mine and right now the only person who can save Scott's life."

"I wish so much that I could take your dark memories away, I wish I could take away all that pain, but I can't. But what I do know is that for every bad memory there is a good one that will get you through it. It's time to stop running Allison, it's time to come home." Stiles advises as a stray tear runs from Allison's eyes as she looks towards Scott.

The little boy stands up and puts his hand inside his pocket and brings out a small sowing kit and places it on the ground next to Scott, Stiles rises from his seat walking over towards Scott and pulls a lighter from his pocket before placing it on the ground next to the sowing kit.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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