Part 13

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Welcome to Part 13 of this story, thank you everyone for your patience while I recovered from my concussion, not 100% but able to write again which is a relief - thank you everyone for your support, comments and reads of this story so far, here is the next part; enjoy!

Lydia couldn't believe how peaceful this place was as she walked blissfully hand in hand with Stiles as they watched Jamie walk in front of them; part of Lydia wanted to stay here forever but she knew she couldn't no matter what this place showed her next.

They stopped in a small park sitting hand in hand on the bench as they watched Jamie run off to play on the climbing frame and slides; Lydia took a peaceful breath before looking towards Stiles.

"Where are we?" Lydia asks trying to place in order all the questions she wants to ask Stiles but that seems to be the one that falls out of her mouth first.

"A place between life and death; however, I have renamed it my place of sanctuary." Stiles breathes in deeply as he explains allowing himself to relax even deeper into where he is sat.

"Bardo. Definitely much different to the last time we were here, but how am I here right now? Am I dead?" Lydia asks in deep fear brushed through her at the thought of leaving behind her family and mostly Ali.

"No you aren't dead or dying, right now you are just sleeping off your panic attack in Dad's office with Melissa's beady eye watching over you and our little peanut or should I say peanuts." Stiles states with a small wink placing a hand gently on top of Lydia's that has been resting gently on her stomach since they had sat down.

"How? What do you mean by peanuts? Oh my word, we are having twins again!" Lydia exclaims in excitement and happiness as she dives at Stiles and wraps him tightly in a hug the joy overwhelming her.

They remain in their happy bubble for a couple of minutes before the reality of the situation settles between them and Lydia becomes overwhelmed with emotions and starts sobbing into Stiles's shoulder gratefully, he is here to catch her during this moment where she needs him most.

"You have to go back you know; our family needs you." Stiles whispers planting a kiss onto Lydia's head before moving slightly away, stroking her head down to her chin to lift it to meet his eyes.

"Our family needs both of us, I can't live the rest of this life without you Stiles; please don't make me go to a place where you can't follow me!" Lydia dived and hung on to him scared of the possibility that if she lets him go, this will be the last time she can speak to him and see him alive.

"Shhh it's all going to be okay; I don't know how but it will be in the end. You and I are end game we know this but for us to get there we need to spend a little time apart; you always used to believe everything happened for a reason, believe again this is happening for a reason." Stiles advises trying to calm Lydia down as he knew she need all her strength for what was about to happen next.

"It's time for you to wake up now, the final showdown is approaching, and you need to prepare our family for what happens next. Open your eyes, Lydia." Stiles whispers as Lydia's head raises to be eye line with Stiles once her eyes open, Jamie returns over to the duo taking a seat in Stiles's lap and loops his hand around both of his parent's joined hands.

"Open your eyes, Mamma." Jamie gently whispers towards Lydia leaning his head against hers as Stiles lifts a hand to run through his son's hair.

"I can't; if I open my eyes, I will lose you all over again Jim Jam and I don't think I will survive that a second time." Lydia whispers out removing her arms from Stiles and blindly wrapping them tightly around her son.

"Mamma, you never lost me I have always being with you in here." Jamie advises placing his hand over Lydia's heart as a sense of peace and warmth filled her and she knew it was time.

"Promise me, promise me that if I open my eyes, you will return home to me and we will live together in our version of happily ever after. "Lydia begs Stiles as she holds tightly onto her boys scared that this maybe goodbye forever.

"I promise, now open your eyes and we love you to the moon and back." Stiles whispers as Lydia slowly peels her eyes open to be greeted with the ceiling of Noah's office at the Sherrif's station.

Melissa was popping her medical equipment back into the bag wondering if she had made the right call to not take Lydia to the hospital, she knew with the baby she had to be more cautious if she wasn't pregnant as two lives were currently in her hands.

Before she could debate anymore over her decision, she hears a soft groan behind her and whips around to see Lydia slowly opening her eyes and adjusting her position. Melissa moves over to her side and crouches beside the sofa Lydia is currently residing on.

"Lydia, can you hear me?" Melissa softly asking careful with her volume as not to make Lydia jump in case she hadn't realised that she wasn't alone.

Lydia gently tilts her head to the side to look in Melissa's worried face that was coming into focus, as Melissa became more clearer Lydia's mind was trying the piece together the events that had led her to her current position.

"Mmm yeah I can hear you, where is everyone?" Lydia asks her voice slightly cracking from dryness before she can ask for a drink Melissa holds a straw to her mouth and she welcomes the cold liquid running down her throat.

"They are out in the ball pen still; I advised them to leave us be as didn't want you to get overwhelmed again when you woke up. Even though you have more colour in your cheeks I do want to take you to the hospital to give you a proper once over and get a scan on the little one." Melissa advises placing the glass back on the table switching back into nurse mode as she lays the back of her hand on Lydia's head.

"We are okay, you don't need to take us to the Hospital. The three of us are doing just fine, right now we to focus solely on Stiles and what is about to come." Lydia advises gently swinging her legs around until she is in a seated position and while resting a hand on her bump she gently gets to her feet.

Melissa reaches out her hand to steady Lydia, but she quickly drops it seeing Lydia standing supporting her small bump and with a look of determination she has seen on this young mum's face several times before. It take Melissa a few moments to click that Lydia had said the three of them before her mouth dropped open partly before composing herself.

"Three of you? Oh Lydia, what a beautiful miracle that is but this is even more of a reason to take care of yourself; you must remember from last time..." Melissa cuts herself not wanting to upset Lydia future by bringing up Jamie.

"It's okay Melissa, I feel like Jim Jam made this possible somehow. Now as much as I love you for worrying so deeply about us all as you have always done but right now Stiles needs all our attention." Lydia states grabbing and pulling Melissa into a tight hug, hoping the hug expressed her feelings of appreciation and support.

Lydia lets Melissa go and turns around moving towards the office door, she places a hand on the handle but can't quite seem to pull the door open. Lydia knew that once she opened this door, she faced the reality that this could fail and she would lose Stiles forever.

"Alright Stiles, I kept my promise time for you to keep yours." Lydia whispered before pushing the handle down and swinging the door open to reveal Parrish, Chris, Jackson and Malia stood and sat down waiting.

"Lydia." Jackson breathes out as the others gathered notice Lydia's arrival back into the room with Melissa hovering just behind her.

"We need leave now, it's time for this to end once and for all. Don't worry about Scott and Allison, they will meet us there." Lydia advises before moving over to the cabinet at the front desk and slid the door open removing the rucksacks Stiles's had prepared and told her about years ago.

"Where are we going?" Chris asks looking at Melissa who just shrugs her shoulder while placing the medical bag onto her shoulder ready to leave.

"The High School; it's time for my family to finally come home." Lydia states before walking out of the doors of the Station leaving the rest of group in a trance and awe of her resilience and strength.

Thank you for reading, new update will arrive soon!

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