Part 6

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Welcome to Part 6 - I decided to be nice and not leave you all in suspense of who Jamie is for too long - thank you everyone for all the love so far; pre warning tissues will most likely be needed. Enjoy!

------------------------Flashback four months ago----------------------------

Stiles was in the kitchen preparing breakfast humming along to the radio as one of his favourite songs was playing and the sun was shining outside; for once everything in his life was going well; just not quite perfect.

"Morning! Someone is chirpy today." Lydia advises as she steps into the kitchen and gives Stiles a quick kiss before heading to grab a large mug of coffee from the freshly brewed pot Stiles had made when he entered the kitchen.

"Well, it is a beautiful day with my wonderful family and I am starting my week off work so nothing can spoil my mood. Saying that, are you okay? You look like you have barely slept and I heard you calling out in the night again." Stiles advises turning away from the breakfast he was preparing to look directly at his wife, so she gave him an honest answer.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you, just a bad dream again. The same dream I have been having and can't seem to shake it." Lydia advises as her eyes welling up before turning away from Stiles so he couldn't see her trying not to cry.

"Hey, come here. I really wish you would tell me about this dream; Dad always said once you talk about a bad dream it disappears and never comes back." Stiles states turning Lydia to face him before giving her a hug as a few tears escaped Lydia's eyes.

Before Lydia could answer the sounds of little feet came running into the kitchen, Stiles and Lydia break apart ready to greet their children.

"Mamma, Dadda! Food." Ali advises running towards Lydia who scoops her up and places her on her hip as Stiles places a quick kiss on both heads before turning back to breakfast.

"Food ready in a minute sweetie, where is your brother?" Stiles asks but doesn't end up needing an answer as the sound of feet dragging on the floor is heard as Jamie appears looking half asleep in the doorway.

"Hey Jim Jam! Sleepy start hey bud." Stiles smiles as he scoops his little boy into his arms as Lydia and Ali head over to the dining table setting ready for breakfast.

"Tired Dadda." Jamie advises snuggling into Stiles's neck trying to drift back of to sleep again as Stiles finishes plating the last few bits of breakfast and pouring out two glasses and two beakers of orange juice.

"Wow if you are so tired maybe I should cancel our plans to have a Dadda and Jamie day at the Zoo today while Mamma and Ali go shopping but we will just have to stay here." Stiles teases as Jamie quickly sat up wide awake in his Dadda's arms before wiggling to get down and running to his place ready to eat his breakfast.

An hour later Stiles and Jamie say goodbye to Lydia and Ali before heading off to the Zoo; the mood in car represented the weather outside as the sun was shining with not a single cloud in the sky.

"Alright Jim Jam, shall we sing a song to pass the time?" Stiles asks which receives a large cheer from the little boy strapped into his car seat in the back of the Jeep; Stiles still misses his original Jeep but this one was a good enough replacement and could fit car seats into the back.

"Alright ABC Supernatural version. A is for Alpha, B is for Beta, C is for Chris, D is for Derek..." Stiles sings out as Jamie tries to sing along while giggling at some of the words been sung.

They continue to sing the songs as they drive towards the Zoo, Stiles notices the clouds quickly rolling in front but shrugs them off as the weather report this morning had been nothing but sunny skies all day long.

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