Part 4

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Welcome to Part 4 - thank you so much everyone for your kind words and comments left so far on this story - this next chapter is a bit shorter as wanted to wrap things up to move the story along - I hope you enjoy!!

Beacon Hills Preserve

Lydia killed the engine a short distance away from where Malia was stood waiting patiently for them; Scott right away felt his palms start sweating and his eyes quickly dropped to the mats in the foot well.

"My word Scott; I can hear your teeth grinding and heart racing from here. What?" Lydia asks once she had removed the keys from the ignition and looked towards Scott who had literal sweat dripping off his chin just looking at Malia.

"This is the first time I am seeing Malia since I... my word I can't breathe. Is it me or has all the air suddenly been sucked out of here." Scott gasps grabbing his collar and loosening it away from his neck as his hands start to shake, he hadn't had an attack like this in years.

Lydia couldn't believe the strong reaction coming from Scott just seeing Malia for the first time; she couldn't help but feel is the same way she would feel seeing Stiles again. Thinking of Stiles she reached in the front pocket of her handbag and quickly grabbed out the inhaler from inside.

"Scott, two puffs come on. Deeply breathe it in and you will be okay." Lydia softens her voice and guides him into taking the puffs from the inhaler allowing him to catch his breath and relax.

"How did you know?" Scott asks his face flushed but able to breathe much better as he hands the inhaler back to Lydia who secures it back inside her bag.

"Stiles told me; we had this session thing a couple of years ago and we were talking about different things and it came up. Now lets go, before Malia is even more confused on why we are just sat here." Lydia states opening the vehicle and getting out; she quickly ran over to Malia engulfing her in a quick hug.

Scott composed himself before joining the two; after a quick weird half hug with Malia she leads the way through the woods until they return to a place they never wished to see again. Lydia's eyes immediately fell upon the encarving of the Sheriff's badge on the stump before shaking her head and unwrapping the sword as Scott opened up the sample of dirt they had brought with them.

"So what now?" Malia asks staring at Lydia and Scott who just stand there not speaking staring intensely at the tree stump in from them.

"I'm not sure; I've never done this before. It doesn't exactly have an instruction manual." Lydia advises rotating the sword in many different directions with nothing happening.

"Lydia, you literally wrote the instructions." Malia snarls but before anyone can reply a weird feeling travels through the air racing over them all.

The wind around them starts picking up blowing the dirt from beneath the cloth in Scott hand all over the Nemeton as Lydia steps forward and stabs the blade into the truck before a blast of light sends her flying backwards crashing into the ground a few feet away.

"Lydia, are you okay?" Scott asks running towards her with Malia as they help her gently to her feet; once upright Lydia doesn't answer but instead walks around them towards the stump with her mouth parted.

"Allison." Lydia breathes out as Scott and Malia joins her staring at the naked unmoving body of Allision Argent.

Scott strips of his jacket and moves forward toward Allision before covering her up, he gently places a hand on her neck to make sure not only was she alive but she was actually real. He almost pulls away when he feels the coldness on her skin before the gently beating of her pulse.

"She's alive." Scott reports back before gently lifting Allison into his arms making sure to keep her wrapped in the coat.

-------------end of flashback, now returning back to the present in the Beacon Hills Hospital------------

"What do you mean the Nogitsune is back in Beacon Hills?" Scott asks looking towards the door where Chris and Deaton now stood; Chris didn't answer Scott but instead walked past to the bed where his once dead daughter now lies.

"The same as it does for all of you; this place holds a special meaning to him. He was defeated her twice and all the pain and suffering caused before he can't resist the chance to feed on it all again." Deaton states almost in a cold tone, the risks they took last time to stop this creature he fears will not work this time.

"Does he have anything to do with Allison's return?" Lydia asks worried about Stiles's even more now she knows the Nogitsune is here in Beacon Hills.

"Potentially; she lost her life in the battle which caused you all unbearable pain and grief. That raw emotion is like an all you can eat buffet for a Nogitsune; even now decades later the emotions still lingers and not to mention all the other emotional stuff that have happened to each of you since that day. Don't forget each of you had a hand in his defeat, so right now he is after the most dangerous version of himself as right now he wants revenge." Deaton advises to the room as the temperature drops within the room at this news; instinctively Lydia places a protective hand on her stomach.

"What can we do?" Parrish asks prepared to fight whoever he needs too, over the last few years everyone present had become the best family he had ever had.

Noah rises to his feet slightly wobbly but with a determined look on his face; he knew exactly what the next move was for himself, Parrish and the rest of the Sheriff's department.

"We need to find Stiles; Scott said his supervisor advised that Stiles was heading back to Beacon Hills then we need to retrace his steps. I think I know where to start; lets go." Noah advises giving Lydia a quick hug before leaving determined to find his son no matter what.

Lydia excuses herself when Melissa advises she needs to check over Allision and Eli; she finds a quiet room and pulls out her phone and gently runs her finger over the picture of her and Stiles on the screen saver. A single tear rolls down her face before dripping down on to the phone; she wipes it away before loading her contacts and dialling her Mum.

"Hey Mum; not really, everything is a mess and Stiles is missing and Allison back. Mum everything is a mess, and I don't know what to do." Lydia releases out as soon as her Mum answers the phone; their relationship had grown much stronger over the years, she was there for Lydia through it all.

"Alright sweetie breathe; Stiles has been missing before so I am sure he will be okay. Don't forget this time he has more people in his life that need him. Speaking of I have someone who wants to speak to you." Natalie advises calming her daughter down before passing the phone over to the person Lydia really needs to hear from.

"Mamma, where are you?" A young child's voice rings out causing new tears to stream down Lydia's face before she composes herself.

"Hey Ali Cat; Mamma just had to go visit Gramps Stilinski about something then I will be right home. Are you being a good girl for Nanna?" Lydia asks trying to hide her emotions from her four year old, she learnt as a mother to hide her emotions until she was alone.

"Always; is Dadda with you?" Ali asks the simple question which clenches at Lydia's heart as the emotions of everything is still raw.

"Not yet sweetie; don't worry Mamma and Dadda are going to be home really soon. I have to go now; I love you for infinity." Lydia states blowing a gentle kiss down the phone towards her daughter.

"And beyond.. love you and Dadda too, Mamma." Ali advises before the phone disconnects leaving Lydia flooded with emotions once again; she looks at the home screen of her family once more before locking her phone and placing it away.

Lydia made a promise to herself that she would not let her daughter down and would find Stiles and bring him home; no matter what the cost.

Thank you for reading - new part will arrive soon!!!!

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