Part 8

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Welcome to Part 8 of this story - thank you everyone who has read, commented and liked this story so far - I hope you enjoy this new chapter!!!

Shock and confusion ran through the gathered group as Stiles slowly opens his eyes coughing deeply as he reaches his hand to his chest; Scott, Lydia and Noah move first racing past Derek towards Stiles who is gradually sitting up with the help of Dr Geyer.

"Okay that one hurt; least now I can cross getting killed by arrow to the heart off the list." Stiles jokes rubbing his chest as Dr Geyer chuckles while continue to support him with a hand laid gently on his back.

"Stiles? But how?? You were dead, your heat stopped beating." Noah rambles out before moving to pull Stiles into a tight hug before letting him go after Stiles groans in pain and let's slip another cough he was trying to prevent happening.

"It's all good and beating again Dad; I promise I will explain all, but Dr Geyer here may have an aneurysm if he doesn't get to check me out properly. At least this time I never woke up in the morgue, that is an experience I can only repeat twice in my life." Stiles states as Dr Geyer laughs before gently pushing Stiles to lie back down before wheeling the gurney to the nearest room closing the door and curtains to give some privacy.

"What on earth just happened?" Lydia asks speaking for the first time since she screamed Stiles's name, her mind still trying to process the fact only moments earlier her husband was dead in her arms.

No one knows how to answer Lydia's question but looks are shared between Chris and Derek that don't go unnoticed by Scott who follows the pair down the hallway away from the rest of the group.

"Alright spill, I have known you both long enough to know when you are keeping a secret. Do you know what is happening with Stiles?" Scott demands at the pair wanting to know what they know while hoping neither of them would have the nerve to lie to his face, especially now he has just watched his best friend die and come back to life.

"We have reason to suspect that Stiles is a Spark but we are not sure; he's so different to other Sparks we have crossed paths with which is why neither ourselves, Dr Geyer or Deaton have said anything to anyone." Chris advises knowing Scott would see through any lie so decided maybe now was time to reveal their suspicions.

"Since when?" Scott asks annoyed that people he trusted and relied on kept this information hidden from him.

"Since you guys successfully separated Stiles and Nogitsune, no human has ever survived that process before as it is too much stress on their body. For the fact he was able to help you defeat the Nogitsune afterwards also was a feat unmeasurable, then you had the other times afterwards where Stiles should have died or at least been severely injured, yet he walked away perfectly fine." Derek explains remembering clearly the several hours Stiles held him upright in the swimming pool but seemed perfectly fine only ten minutes later.

"Most recently before today's event was the accident that killed his son and injured Stiles; Stiles was thrown from the vehicle at high speed before it exploded sending wreckage flying through the sky and landing on the ground around the crash site and where Stiles lay wounded. Once first responders arrived at the scene of the wreckage, they found a burning shard of metal imbedded in Stiles's neck along with several other injures that should have killed him instantly." Chris starts to explain looking around to see if anyone else was listening in to their conversation.

"He was life flighted here directly to Melissa and Dr Geyer who catalogued and treated his multiple of injuries, Lydia and Noah were called to say there goodbyes to Stiles as they didn't expect him to survive the night. Three days later Stiles walked out of the Hospital without a single mark left on him from the accident and returned back to full duties at work ten days after the accident."

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