Part 11

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Hey everyone welcome to Part 11 - apologies for the delay in updating but hopefully will now start to post regular updates once again. Thank you everyone for your support on this story and your patience waiting for me to update - I hope it was worth the wait!

Scott before the roar

Scott had been tracking Allison since the Hospital, for some reason it had took him all the way to Derek's repair shop on the other side of town; he carefully looked through the windows but couldn't see anything lurking inside.

At the last moment he heard a whistle of an arrow fly close to his head, Scott quickly moved so the arrow buried itself in the tire wall behind him instead of directly into his head. He looked in the direction of where the arrow had come from to find Allison appearing through the mist notching another arrow to fire at him.

"Allison, please stop this isn't you! I just want to talk!" Scott shouts diving out the way behind the tow truck as the second arrow was shot in his direction.

"Funny that is exactly what he said you would say." Allison states coldly her eyes locked onto the prey in front of her as she readied another arrow before firing it towards Scott.

Scott managed to dodge the recent arrow sent in his direction, but it now puts him in clear line of sight for Allison to kill him, but Scott had to hope deep down that the Allison he knew and once loved was still somewhere deep down inside.

"Your name is Allison Argent; you believe that everyone deserve a chance to live and died in my arms trying to save your best friend. You changed your family's centuries old motto to' We protect those who cannot protect themselves' and you are the one true love of my life." Scott stated his arms raised as he stood tall and stared at Allison in the eyes hoping to get through to her.

"You have incredible talent with a bow and arrow to the point Lydia's nickname for you was Snow White, you sacrificed yourself in an ice bath to help find the location of your Dad, you laughed every time I face planted in the ice skating rink but was still always there to pick me up."

"You smoke bombed my Dad when he was keeping us from saving our parents, you are loyal to those you care about especially when they are hurt; like the time you slept on hospital chairs over night until Mum snuck us in to see Issac. That is who you are Allison; not this monster they are trying to make you into." Scott expresses hoping to see some sort of reaction from Allison to what he is saying, he notes the way she is gently biting her bottom lip s though debating her next move.

"Who are you?" Allison states her eyes locking with his as though she was trying to read his mind to see if he was telling the truth.

"You know who I am, please just lay down the bow and come home to me." Scott begs reaching out to grab the bow away from Allison, but she moves to quick for him.

Dropping the bow, she withdraws a wolfsbane dagger from her backpack and grips it once more ready to strike Scott down, her mission the front and centre of her thoughts right now but a niggle was forming somewhere deep in her memories what Scott is saying true; Scott could see the shift in Allision so decided to try a different approach.

"You know what his plan is don't you; the ultimate way to cause us the most heartbreaking pain, I know as I have had to live it in person once before and for years in my dreams. This time it won't be you dying my arms, it will be me dying in your arms." Scott states knowing this was the only logical explanation for the Nogitsune to have ensured Allison was returned to them after all these years.

Allison sliced the dagger through the air trying to kill Scott be he managed to dive towards the tree roots, his foot tangles with them sending him flying to the ground. He tumbles backwards trying to get back to his feet ready to block the next attack from Allison and trying to decide how best to end this.

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