Part 9

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Hey all!! I'm back, sorry for the delay in updating I had some struggles with my mental health which gave me a worse case of writers block; but I am now back and ready to start writing again.

A massive thank you to everyone who has continued reading, commenting and voting on all of my stories - it is deeply appreciated. Now as a mini apology for the long delay, this new chapter is over 2600 words and I hope you enjoy!!!

Everyone remained frozen trying to process what had just transpired from Allision attempt to murder Derek and Stiles, to Stiles then dying and returning to life like it was a normal everyday occurrence.

"I'm going after Stiles; I cannot and will not lose my son again. Anyone coming with me?" Noah asks regaining his compose first, he is thankful his time in the Army and been a Sheriff for so many years has helped him to bury his emotions away to handle them later.

Parrish volunteers right away and surprisingly so does Derek with Melissa agreeing to take Eli back home and stay with him. Chris and Deaton volunteer to accompany Melissa also to watch over Eli and to do a deeper dive into both what is occurring with Allision but also how to stop Void this time around and make sure it was a permanent stop.

Lydia remained frozen to the spot unable to process what she had just witnessed; her heart hadn't broken this hard since the day she received the call about the accident; her breathe came stuttering out of her as she felt her body drop to one knee.

"Lydia! Come on breathe with me; listen to my voice and breathe." Scott states quickly dropping to his knees so he is face to face with Lydia, his own panic and worry buried deep down so he can deal with it later.

"I can't do this again, not after Jamie. Please tell me I am not going to lose him again." Lydia breaks down into Scott's arms the panic overwhelming her with black spots appearing in front of her vision.

"Lydia, listen to me; I wish more than anything that I can tell you everything is going to be okay, but I can't. Right now, I need you to breathe and think of not just Stiles but think about your children; they all need you to be strong for them right now." Noah advises dropping down onto his knees, so he was eye level with where Lydia is currently been cradled by Scott.

Lydia's eyes connected with Noah's in wild expression as though shocked with what Noah had just implied to her, her shaking hand protectively went to her stomach before Noah laid his on top of hers.

"How? How did you know? I haven't told anyone yet, not even my Mum knows." Lydia questions her voice shaking as she speaks, fear filling each word she had spoken.

"I have been a Sheriff for goodness knows how long and I am the Father of an FBI Agent, I learnt how to read people's behaviour. Since your arrival in town, any time something Stiles related happens or something dangerous you are placing a protective hand on your stomach." Noah explains his voice still calm despite the panic hidden under the surface, he can deal with his own feels later when he is alone.

"So here is what is going to happen, after you allow Dr Geyer and Melissa to give you and my grandchild a once over; you will accompany Melissa back to her house to help watch over Eli while we go find Stiles. I promise once I find him, you will be the first point of call under the condition you get some rest." Noah instructs before helping Lydia return to her feet with Scott hovering behind ready to catch Lydia in case she passes out.

Melissa stepped forward and placed a comforting hand around Lydia before guiding her to a free examination room with Dr Geyer following closely behind. Parrish and Derek leave soon after advising they will get the vehicle ready while Chris and Deaton support Eli to the car with Chris asking for Scott to tell Melissa that he will be back shortly to pick up Lydia and herself.

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