Part 1

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Welcome everyone to Teen Wolf Movie - my version, as you may know if you have read stories on my profile before I love Teen Wolf but the movie was missing one main thing in my opinion: Stiles! For me you can't do this story line without him so I am correcting this in my own way - enjoy!

Stiles was having a bad week, scratch that he was having a bad month; ever since Lydia walked away from their relationship nothing seemed to be going right. Now here he was trying to drown out his supervisor's voice as he screamed at Stiles for the tenth time that week.

"Stilinski, I have no idea what has happened to you recently but you need to get your head on straight before you get yourself or someone else killed, am I understood?" Agent Rollins snapped as Stiles remained staring at the clock ahead of him trying not to react to what was been shouted.

How was he meant to explain that he was having nightmares about a supernatural creature who once possessed him and tried to kill everyone he loved? Before the full sentence had formed in Stiles's mind the words were already pouring out of his mouth.

"Your right sir, my head is not on straight, and I can't fix that here. I request to be placed on temporary leave for an undetermined amount of time while I resolve this please." Stiles states finally looking Rollins's straight in the eyes with a fix glare hoping the pain he was feeling is present.

"Based on your recent actions I can grant you a month before I need you to check in. Your one of the best agents we have; so go sort whatever you need to sort and then return at your best. Your leave starts now!" Rollins states firmly before Stiles turned and left, he didn't know why but he had a feeling he was needed at home.

Meanwhile in LA

Scott was going around topping up the food bowls for the kennel residents as a rare storm rumbled outside; the weather seemed to be matching his mood after persistent nightmares of Allison's death plagued him.

For the fourth time that day he pulled out his phone and loaded up Stiles's phone number ready to hit call before shaking his head and placing his phone back into his pocket.

"You know to actually call someone you need hit the dial button." Deaton jokes as he brings out the medication for the relevant pets from the connected vet centre.

"I know, just changed my mind. Anyway he is probably busy; Dad said on his last call that Stiles was making waves in the department and there was some heat coming his way. Besides, it's not been that long since we last spoke." Scott justifies before carrying on his jobs before the power suddenly goes out with a loud crack of lightning.

"Looks like mother nature disagrees with you; also nearly five months is a long time especially for you two. I'll check the generator if you want to lock the front door; don't know what crazy people maybe about this time of night." Deaton advises throwing Scott the keys of the hook as he heads back into the adjoined vet.

As Scott locked the door he thought about what Deaton had said but was quickly pulled out of that thought by a loud bang on the door; he saw a person outside so quickly unlocked and opened the door.

"I don't know where it came from, it just ran into the middle of the road." Allison rattled out before a flash of lightning lit up the area before leaving Scott alone once again in the darkness.

"Scott, I thought you were locking the door? What's wrong?" Deaton asks from behind before Scott quickly shuts the door and locks it tight.

"You know that nightmare I keep telling you about; unless I am asleep right now it has come to life." Scott states walking to the table and chairs at the back of the practice sinking into the seat and swiping his hands over his face; he pulled them away and did Stiles's trick of counting his fingers to see if it was real or not.

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