Part 5

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Welcome to Part 5, thank you everyone who has read, commented and voted so far; your support with this story is deeply appreciated. Here is the next update - enjoy!!

At the site of the latest fire

By time Parrish, Noah and Mason had arrived on the scene night had already fell; they were greeted by the newest Deputy. After a quick overview of the area night-time had fully arrived to the level everyone had to get their torches out; Mason had split away with the new Deputy to do one last sweep before they were going to call it the night.

"What's the plan Sheriff? We both know how impossible Stiles was to locate last time he was missing so how is this going to be any different." Parrish questions remembering back to the two occasions Stiles went missing and they all had to try and locate him but failed until he found them.

"Last time the Nogitsune was here, he took control of the Oni; them ninja creatures that tried to kill everyone. Now since we located Stiles with Eli, my phone has been going wild with reports of masked sword wielding people; so, I decided we would make the perfect bait. Why else would we be here at this time of night?" Noah advises with a smirk before taking out his fire arm as the fog starts to roll in more as Parrish decides to withdraw his also.

"But if I remember painfully so; normal bullets don't work on the Oni." Parrish advises taking slow steps behind the Sheriff his head on a constant swivel not wishing to feel the blade of the Oni once again.

"That is why when Chris arrived back in town he delivered to be three boxes of custom-made bullets courtesy of the Calaveras; completely made of silver so we shouldn't have any issues with Oni." Noah advises throwing over a magazine of bullets over to Parrish before covering him while he reloads his gun with the new bullets.

They continued to walk around in the rolling fog for an hour before the first sound of trouble crackled in the night sky from the radios clipped on their chests.

"Sanders!!!! I will not ask you again, put down your swords and surrender; I do not want to shoot you." Mason's voice rings out as though the button his radio is stuck down for all to hear what is happening.

Without a single word needing to be said; Parrish holsters his gun before sprinting in the direction of where Mason and Sanders was in need of assistance; as Parrish left his sight, Noah realised how much fog was actually gathered around him.

As he slowly walks backwards gun prepared the sound only an Oni makes rattles from behind him as he turns as one leaps down in black smoke from the tree above; quickly Noah fires off three rounds but seems to have no effect on them.

"I knew I should have retired!" Noah moans before quickly firing off two more rounds aiming directly for the Oni's head instead of his chest; he didn't stick around to see if they had made contact as right now, he need to find his Deputies.

"Mason! Sanders! Parrish! Call out if you can hear me." Noah screams into the dark night surrounded by monsters, fog, and trees; he couldn't help but think if Stiles was here, he would definitely be making a horror movie reference right about now.

A stumbling sound happened behind Noah; he spun round on his heels to come face to face with Mason staggering towards him with a leaking sword slice on his arm before he falls to his knees before an Oni materialises behind Mason; within a blink of an eye the Oni slashes his sword across the back of Mason's neck vaporising him into thin air.

Noah stood stunned staring at the spot Mason was kneeling at only a bink of an eye ago; as Noah releases the breath, he had been holding, two more Oni appear behind the first one. Staring them straight in the eye accepting his fate, Noah raises his gun ready to battle; he fires off six shots in quick succession, but the Oni manage to easily block it.

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