Appa ( Suho )

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He pokes her little nose. She stirred while rubbing her pretty round eyes. " Wake up, princess. " He showered her with kisses and she giggles. " Where should we go today? " He stared into her eyes.

She put her forefinger on her lips which make him chuckles. " Oping.. " she says.

" Shopping? " And she nodded with a smile. " Eyyy, you're just like your mother. " He remarked but he can't resist her.

" Why is it me? It was you who's spoiling her with money. " He forget that her mother is right next to her, you. He rolls closer to you as she's now awake and left the room.

" Don't leave today. " He says, hugging you.

" And cancel my spa treatment for next 48 hours? " You asks and he nods.

" She's out of contro-- wait. You've booked a spa treatment beforehand? Someone is happy for leaving home. " He sulks.

You smiles. " Byeol appa. " He ignores you by backfacing you. " Jagiya, " still no respond. " Yeobo~ " You sang forcing him to turn around.

He smirks and you're confused. " Byeol-ah! " He calls. " Omma is going to leave us two again today! " Split second and your daughter is running towards you on the bed, questioning her father's statement.

You make a face to your husband seeing your daughter in the verge of crying. She's still not used of this new life, new schedule. " It's okay, appa will treat you to ice cream later. He'll spoil you with money like he always do. " Sarcasm. " Now, who's our Superman? " You asks her.

" Appa! " She shouts raising a fist in the air. You pat her head before leaving for a shower.

" Can I come? " You slaps his hand calling and mouthed 'pervert' to him.


An hour later and you're ready to leave after having breakfast together. You were worried of leaving the two together before but not anymore.

" What Hwijae said is right. Wives would love to leave eventually. " He stated while holding Byeol.

You laughs. " Superman..! "

" Doyawatta! " Byeol continues like she always do.

You make a heart above your head with you hands. " Saranghae, Byeol appa, Kim Joonmyeon. " You uttered. " Fighting, " you cheered and left.

He's carrying her on his back while bidding goodbye at you. " Look at your mother who was worried sick about me babysitting you all alone. She was, Byeol. Was. " He says lowly, still plastering a smile to you.

You were about to get on the lift when he slightly pulls you into a hug, sniffing your hair in the process. " Be safe, " he whisper. " And be back in two days. " He playfully warned. You nod.

" Annyeong. " Only now that you realize your daughter is tagging on his leg, hugging it while smiling at you. He managed to give a peck on your lips right before the lift closes, leaving you blushing. " Kim Joonmyeon. " You uttered with a sigh.


Suho walk back to the house. " Now, your eomma will miss me more. " He smiles.

Happy belated birthday to JunMa, wayyy belated actually. Anyway was it okay? Bcs I feel like it lacks emotion and idea. I'm sorry people, if it didn't meet your expectation. Do continue to support me, and I'll try to make a better one in the future.

Thank you

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