DO ( Kyungsoo)

455 7 14

This is a special oneshot for dear @aiiwolf

"Hira-yah !",calls Hyun Jae.

"wae ?",Hira approach her bff.

"Chanyeol said that theres going to be a new boy transferred here",explains Hyun Jae.

"Chanyeol who ?",Hira scratching her head.

"yah ! he is our senior plus my crush remember ?",Hyun Jae widen her eyes.

"ahhh~I'm sorry my Lay's mode is on",Hira nod her head.

"Lay's mode ?",Hyun Jae's eyebrows met.

"you know that forgetful senior of ours",explain Hira and Hyun Jae nod her head.

Both of them take a seat and started to digging out on their lunch.

"yah !",shout a girl attract others' attention.

"who are you to tell me to do what you want ?!",she added.

Everyone is focusing on her including Hira and Hyun Jae.It seems like the girl is trying to defend herself from being bullied.

"I never see her girl ?",asks Hyun Jae.

"maybe but one thing I'm sure..she is a tough one",Hira get up and walk to that girl earlier.

"gwaenchana ?",asks Hira.

"I am totally fine if they stop act like they own the school",sarcase that girl.Hira giggles.

"Maymay-yah !",shout a boy.

Hira's POV

My world has stopped the moment I saw him.A boy with an owl-like eyes and a heart-shaped lips.

"Maymay-yah ",so her name is Maymay.

What is their relationship ? Awww I'm gonna die out of curiosity here.My heart cant stop racing,he look at me.

"oppa..",calls Maymay...oppa ? As a brother or boyfriend ? Oh myyy what am I thinking right now ?! Stop it Hira !

End of POV


"what happen ?",asks that boy.

"they are trying to bullied me ?",sarcase Maymay.

Those girls earlier walk away as Hira is giving a death glare towards them.

"and this ?",that boy pointing at Hira.

"I just met her too actually",explain Maymay.

"I'm sorry.I'm Hira,Kang Hira.",Hira reach out her hands.

"Maymay,Do Maymay and this is my brother..Kyungsoo,Do Kyungsoo",introduced Maymay.

"a brother ? Great !",says Hira in her mind but then mentally slapping jer face when her imagination has gone wild.

Kyungsoo bowed 90degrees greeting Hira and waves at Hyun Jae as Hira introducing her to them.Without any delay,Hira invited Maymay and Kyungsoo to join them.Introducing session ends and awkwardness spreaded in the air until the Happy Virus came.

"Hyun Jae-yah~",sang Chanyeol as he wrap her hands around her shoulders.

"sunbae you are too noisy",exclaim Hira.

"and who's this ?",asks Chanyeol avoiding Hira's sarcasm.He point at Maymay.

"annyeonghaseyo..Maymay ibnida",greet Maymay with a smile.

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