angel ( kyungsoo )

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Echa woke up,moans in pain due to overwork.Strangely,she woke up on her bed,still with her uniform.Its been like that lately.She fell asleep on the couch in living room with her work uniform but wake up on her bed."did I walk to my room last night ?",she thought to herself.She then grab her towel hanging behind the door and dissapear behind the toilet's door.

After washing up,Echa put on her new uniform that cost a lot from her first paycheck.She sighs,getting ready for work,all over AGAIN.Same routine everyday make her sick of her life.

Echa get on a bus,departing to her workplace.She plug on the earphone into her ears,listening to Exo's.She keep humming the song."machi..amugeotdo moreu neun airo..." She stop humming,unlocking her phone screenlock."angel...",Echa read the song's title."wish I have an angel to take care of me..",she thought to herself.She touch the repeat icon,listening to Exo's Angel over and over again with her heart wishing for an angel that can watch out for her.

A typical day for Echa,working as a promoter at Noskrap from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.Another day at work comes to an end.She pack her bag and get on a bus.She fell asleep in the bus due to exhausted.Luckily,she woke up on time or else she gonna missed her stop.

Echa walk back home from the bus station.Humming Exo's Angel again.She feels more energized after sleeps for only less than five minutes on the bus.The strange event that happening to her lately keep lingering in her mind.She start thinking of something while her lips forming a smile.

Echa lazily turn the main door's knob of her house.Slowly walking to the couch and throw herself on it.As time passed by,her eyelids get heavier and heavier,finally she fall into a dreamland.Echa woke up as she feels someone is carrying her in bridal style."ah ! falling asleep wasn't part of my plan !",she thought to herself.She opens her eyes slowly,looking at someone who's carrying her.She saw a man with white-rich-round eyes and a heart-shaped lips.

Echa's looks like she's under a spell,letting herself being carried to her room.As that man said was going to put Echa down on her bed,he got shocked.He now realised that Echa has been locking her eyes on his face since earlier without him noticing it.Due to the shock,his hands accidentally letting go off Echa.Echa fall on the floor,unconcious after her head hit the the small table next to her bed.That man got a little panic but he recover from it fast.He carry Echa on her bed and look at her forehead that bruised.That man touch it,mumbling something and the bruise gone,dissapear just like that.

Echa's POV

Feeling dizzy as I woke up.I glared at the clock on the wall and it still early,3 a.m.,way too early actually.I turned my body to my left side and got shocked instead,screaming."there's a man in my room !",i thought to myself.Hitting myself mentally after remembering what happen last night.That man got shocked as well.His eyes got widened but he quickly covered my mouth."i'm not a bad person...if you stop screaming,i'll explain it to you..",he said to me.Well who would say no to that face ? So I shut myself up,excitedly waiting for his voice.He take a deep breath,sighing and start to explaining the situation.

. . . . . . . .

"you've got to be kidding me !",snarled Echa half scream with an odd laugh."you don't ?",she added as that man still with his serious' face."you didn't do anything to me right ?",asked Echa full of worried as she pulls the blanket and cover her body.He just rolled his eyes,getting annoyed with such a crap question.

"so,you're an angel ?",Echa asked again.He nod his head."whats your name ?",Echa added.He shook his head,"angels don't hav-","what 'bout Kyungsoo ? your surname,Do..Do Kyungsoo..???",cut Echa flashes her smile towards that man said.He just nod his head and forming a smile with his heart-shaped lips.Echa flashes her smile again,full with happiness.

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