Fun Fair Guy ( Kyungsoo )

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You've ended your highschool and earned yourself a part time job at a toy store in a big mall. It's been over a week and you've got pretty close with the other co-workers.

The year end holiday end in a couple days and school session is just around the corner so the store kind of empty almost all the time. You kept your eyes open by reading some novel. You were alone in the corner of the store when two of your colleagues approached you.

" Let's go! " The youngest one, Minah said to you cheerfully.

Being confused as you always do, you close the novel you were reading and asked, " Where to? "

The older one, Juin, showed you two sets of coupons. " Go and play, " she said. " Mr.Lee told you guys to-- "

" Play? " You interjected and she nodded. " Seriously? " You asked in disbelief, fixing your uniform in the process.

Minah smiled widely. " It's leftovers. Mr.Lee played earlier with her daughter but she got tired and asleep in the office. " She explained while pulling your hand and coupons with the other.

" Are we working or playing? " You playfully asked Minah, still letting her to lead the way.

" Both! " She grinned.

Both of you arrived at the small fun fair held at the centre of the mall and variety of fun games greeted your bored eyes and that make you smiled. Both you and Minah play a lot of games, using up all the coupons Mr.Lee gave. You played shooting ducks, throwing can with bean bags, plinko and even fishing ducks. It was totally and at last, both yours and Minah's coupon left with five thousand won. Minah suggested to play basketball where you'll get a stuffed toy if you scored three points and above.

But that's not the first thing you looked at when you stand to watch Minah take her turn, it was the guy who's currently hosting the booth. He looks okay- hell no! He's cute. But what makes you smile is that he didn't laugh or even smile lopsidedly when Minah scored nothing and got herself a small dragon egg. You don't even know what's inside.

Finished her turn with a pout, Minah insisted for you to play as well. She's the youngest part-timer and ypu can't help but treat her as your sister and gave in to her pleas. As embarrassing as the other games, you scored nothing but the host suddenly said " Choose one. "

You give him the confused face of the year, " Huh? "

" Choose one. " He repeated, pointing at the stuffed toys hanging on the wall.

Your brows knitted. " I can? " He nodded. " But I scored nothing. " You told him but your forefinger has made its way to the medium sized, blue coloured rillakumma. He chuckled upon that while he cut the string off.

He handed you the rillakumma you chose and Minah looked at you meaningfully. You was about to take it when he pulled it back, " My name is Kyungsoo. " He beamed and you did too, no intention of telling your name.

" _____ " Minah introduced on your behalf and with that he reached put the toy back to you.

Minah can't stop smiling as you guys walked away. She keep on turning back and giggled. " He's still looking at you. " She told. " But it's not fair! " She suddenly whined. " You got that toy without scoring a point! " She sulked.

You laughed. " Aigoo, I'll buy you something when I got my paycheck okay? " You patted her shoulder and she smiled widely.

" Still, you're so lucky, " she trailed when she turned back, again. " And he's still looking at you. " She smirked. " You're single, right? Why don't you guys-- "

" No no no. " You shook your head. You spent the next five minutes listening to Minah's complain about how you turn a blind eye over a cute guy who's obviously interested in you.

Why? You don't know yourself but if it's meant to be then it is meant to be, right? You smiled remembering it while looking at Kyungsoo showering your newborn with his kisses.


A/N: Annyeong~ Again, a belated oneshot for Kyungsoo's belated birthday hihihihi chill people :) Next would be Jongin's belated oneshot~

Thank you
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