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"_____" is your name.

"_____-yah ! Wake Sehun up for breakfast !",shout your mom.

"nee~",you walk to Sehun's room

Sehun is your cousin and he is living with your family for the holiday.His parents is away to other country for some business reason.So they ask a favour from your family to look after him even Sehun was insisted to live by himself at his house.

"Sehun ! ireona !",you shake his body.

"later",he answer shortly.

"sleepyhead",you mumble and walk away.

"where is Sehun ?",asks your mother when you take a seat at the dining room

"mom,do you need to ask the same question everyday ? its been two weeks he's with us and you still didnt realize that boy is a sleepyhead ?",you get angry.

"so he is not your crush ?",your sister came from behind.

"look who is saying ?",you throw a sarcasm to her.

"excuse me ? I got someone else I like 'kay ?",she defend herself.

"who ? Nichkhun of 2pm ? Hello ? He is Tiffany's okay ?",your sister is a big fan of Nichkhun.

"aunt,can you give me a glass of water ?",asks Sehun.

"when did you get here ?",you asks him.

"I've finished my breakfast while watching you guys bickering.I'll be upstairs aunt",he explain and walk upstairs back to his room.

"merong~",your sister stick out her tongue.

After the breakfast,your parents as leave to attend a wedding while your sister leave for her tuition.You are alone with Sehun at home.You were enjoying your drama when you heard something from the kitchen.You check it out but nothing is there.You go into the living room again,scared.

"Sehun,cant you just sleep out here to accompany me ?",you says in a low voice while looking at his room.

You let out a sigh but then Sehun suddenly come out and lay down on a couch opposite you.

"I guess you heard me",you speak in your mind.

"gomawo",you thanked but no response.

"tch..what a sleepyhead,its hasnt been a minute since you lay down",you utters.

Its been two hours and you are getting boring.You take a glance at Sehun and he sleep soundly.An evil thought come across your mind.Without any doubt you take a seat by his side.

"he is a sleepyhead,there is no way he will wake up",you tell yourself.You begin to examine his face closely.

"hmm..flawless",you exclaim.You caresses his face.

"what a fair skin",you throw a compliment.

You play with his eyebrows and ended up staring at his lips.Your imagination started to think wildly.

"I guess my sister is right",you exclaim.

"I do like you Sehun",you added while staring at his face.Your lips is just an inch away from his.

Suddenly Sehun wake up and kiss you right on your lips.Your eyes got widen and heart racing for sure.

"I thought I'm not your crush ?",he break the kiss and chuckle.

"yah !",thats all you can say.

"what ? is that your first kiss ?",he shocked.

"it is ?",he added when you just remain silent with reddened cheeks.

"daebak ! I stole my first love's first kiss !",he smile widely.

"first love ?",you raised your eyebrow.

"yeah,you always come into my room when I sleep.You always wake me up for breakfast.You always tidy up my room for me.You do everything as you always do when we were kids",he explain confidently.

"b-but you are a sleepyhead",you stutters.

"yeah I acknowledge that but",he stop for a second.

"your scent is just way too tempting",he smirk deviously at you.

You look at him with your eyes blink rapidly.You stand up but he pull you to sit again.He put his arms on your left and right,surrounding you.

"you know what ? I've always imagining myself kissing you and its frustrating I cant...yet",he leans closer.Your lips and his lips move in sync.

"I told you that she likes you too oppa",your sister just came home.

"what ?",you break the kiss.

"anyway thanks,sister-in-law",says Sehun to your sister.

"your welcome",your sister walk to her room.

"Sehu--",he kiss your lips.

You give in and kiss him back.You can feel that he is smiling into the kiss.


eottae ? ㅋㅋㅋ hope you like it

comment pls n maybe a vote ?

sorry for any flaws or error*bow*

thank you


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