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"_____" is your name

Suho P.O.V

"what ?!",I snarls as the maid is rejoicing my body.

"its time to wake up or you'll be late for school..",says the maid in a low voice.Afraid of me of course*smirk*

I lazily wake up and take a bath.Putting on my uniform and went to school.


vroommm !!!!

Suho drift in his car into the school.He's an underage yet he's driving,saying that he doesnt care about the fine since he afford to pay it somehow.

"ya !!!",you snarls to him.You are the school head student and he's your responsibility.

"you drive to school AGAIN ",you say to him strongly saying the words 'again'.

"blah..blah..blah..",he reply.

"you such a spoiled little boy !!!",you shout to him as you cant hold your bottled up anger at him anymore.

"what do you mean 'little spoiled boy' ???",he asks turn to you while clenching his fists.

"what ??? the fact that you are a little spoiled boy ??",you rolled your eyes.

He take a big step towards you with his reddened face.He grab your collar yet you still provoking him.

"what ? you want to hit a girl now ?",you asks.

"i will hit you..and you'll regret what you have said to me this day forever in your life..",he says sarcastically and letting go of your collar.

He keep smiling deviously towards you as he walks away.Waving at you as if nothing ever happened.You can feel he's on something.

The next day you wait at the school gate as always waiting for the rule breakers.You were busy with your notebook as someone approach you.

"annyeong~",greet Suho to you with a smile.

You got shocked of his sudden greets.You feel weird,no more his annoying car's sound.Usually thats what makes you know of his arriving.

"wheres your car ?",you asks sarcastically without greeting him back.

"i listen to you...now...and forever..",he says in a husky voice giving you a goosebumps.

You ignore him yet deep inside you are happy he listen to you.But then you wondering,is he really changed or this is just the part of his revenge???

You continue to ignore him and focus on your responsibilty looking for the rule breakers.

"whats your name ?",you asks a kid's name since he wears an earings to school.

"Kim Jongin..",he answers you coldly.

You were going to jott down his name when...

"come with me",Suho grab your hands before you even manage to avoid.Your notebook along with your pen fall on the ground.

Suho drag you all the way to the rooftop.Didnt give you any chance to escape from him.

"yah ! mwoneunggeoya ?!",you snarls pulling your hands off him.

"i'm just teaching you how to enjoy little things",he flashes a smile to you.

Its the first time he ever smile to you..well he's more like smirking to you back then.This time it feels more..sincere.

You walk back to the class with him walking beside you.Awkwardness spreaded in the air.

You take your seat and saw your notebook and your pen on the table.You look around and you see that boy earlier.

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