un-speak-able truth ( Sehun )

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Sehun is sitting on the swings at the lawn of his house,locking his eyes on a girl.A girl that busy gardening,a girl that really important to him,a girl that he would give up his life for.Speaking of that,he started to reminiscing the past.About when and how he first met that girl.


Sehun's POV

"huwarghhh !",I yawned as I strecth out my arms."Sehun-ah ! Get ready for school now or you'll be late !",shout my father."nee~",I sang as I slide down my bed and take a shower.

I went down the stairs,straight to the kitchen."here,have your breakfast",says Appa while shoving the scrambled eggs and toast closer to me."gomawo appa,kalke..",I said after finished it as I slide my feet into the sneekers and went to school.

I take my seat in the class,in front of Baekhyun and Chanyeol."yah ! thats hurt !",snarled Chanyeol to Baekhyun."who told you to lose ?",sarcased Baekhyun.They are plating 'paper,rock,scissors',the one who lose will get hit on the forehead."Chanyeol-ah,your forehead has swollen..stop playing",I said to Chanyeol."he lose for the fifth time now",explained Baekhyun followed by his laugh.

"attention class !",shout the class' president,Suho."bow..",added Suho.Our homeroom teacher,Mrs.Park arrived with her hands full of books and...with a girl.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

"kids,this is your new classmates..Oh Jisoo",announced Mrs.Park."annyeonghaseyo,Oh Jisoo ibnida",the girl introduced herself."you can seat next to Sehun there,its empty.."ordered Mrs.Park.Jisoo take her seat,next to Sehun in front of Chanyeol."Chanyeol ?!",snarled Mrs.Park."nee~",sang Chanyeol.

'annyeong ! Byun Baekhyun ibnida",introduced Baekhyun."nee..",answered Jisoo."Park Chanyeol ibnida and that homeroom teacher is my omma so dont be shock if she snarled at me..",explained Chanyeol."and that is Oh Sehun",explained Baekhyun as he's pointing at Sehun."wahhh~you got a milky white skin,just like Sehun",exclaimed Chanyeol."guys ? keep your voice down please ?",commanded Suho."nee~",sang Chanyeol and Baekhyun in unison.Sehun take a glance at Jisoo,scanning her skin."just like mine...",he thought to himself.He moved on to her face,Jisoo is smiling at him.

dup dap dup dap

"why didnt you tell us there'll be new girl ?",asks Baekhyun to Chanyeol."my mother didnt tell me anything..",explained Chanyeol."Sehun-ah ? dont you think she looks like you ?",asks Baekhyun out of sudden."Sehun ?",called Chanyeol as Sehun is ignoring them.Sehun suddenly stop walking,he look at both Chanyeol and Baekhyun and take a deep breath.

"I think I've fall for her.."

"dont forget what you've promised me on my birthday ? its tomorrow",remind Sehun."arasseo..",exclaimed his father.Sehun went into his room after having dinner with his father.

His father smiles,grabbing his phone that is on the coffee table and started to dial up a number."yeoboseyo ? can you make it tomorrow ?",he speak on the phone."nee..see you tomorrow then",he continue and hang up.A big smile plastered on his face.

Sehun lies on his bed,turning left and right."arghhh !",he screams."Sehun ?",shouted his father from the living room."aniya..mianhae",replied Sehun."Oh Jisoo,Oh Jisoo,Oh Jisoo..",he repeatedly murmured and eventually fall asleep.

Sehun wake with a big smile platered on his face,its weekend so he can wake up late but he dont.He went to the market for groceries.bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt He grab his phone from his shorts' pocket when he feels it vibrate.He touch the 'open' icon,a text message from Baekhyun.

Baekhyun: saengil chukkaheyo !

Sehun: nee..gomawo

Baekhyun: so..whats the plan ?

Sehun: sorry but I think I'll be celebrating with my family only

Baekhyun: you mean with your father ? we can join then !

Sehun: nahh..theres a special guest,a family sorry but I hope you guys understand ?

Baekhyun: its fine..what 'bout Jisoo ?

Sehun: I think I'm going to confess ?

Baekhyun: wowww ! tell us when and we'll help you,a performance ? special from me and Chanyeol

Sehun: hahha..nee,my wish tonight will be a love from her

Baekhyun: awwwww ! cheesy ! okay then,annyeong !

Sehun: hhahaha..nee~annyeong !

Sehun tuck in his phone back in his pocket,continue on shopping.

Sehun happily preparing a feast for his special guest,his hands cant stop moving.From the spagheti to the delicious caramel strawberry desert,all by himself."hmmm~",sang his father who'd just come back from work.He try to a snatch a strawberry but Sehun stop him."wait for the guest first,is the guest coming ?",asks Sehun.His father just shrug his shoulder and went to his after flashing a devious smile to Sehun.

"yehet !",excited Sehun when he know the guest will come.

ding dong ding dong

Sehun hurriedly run downstairs when his father call out his name."annyeong",greeted a middle-aged woman.Sehun plastered a big smile on his face but its begin to fade when he see a girl,tagging along with that middle-aged woman.

"Jisoo ?",surprised Sehun.Jisoo flashes her smile towards him."you didnt tell him ?",asks his father to Jisoo and she shook her head."Sehun-ah ? this is your biological mother,Jung Jiyeon and your sister,a twin actually,Oh Jisoo",explained his father.Sehun remain silent due to the shock reality."Sehun ? dont happy ? you told me to look for your biological mother,why you look down ? she's really glad to meet,wanted to meet you so badly..why ?",asks his father.

Sehun sit with his mother,the one he's been longing for but Jisoo ? As his twin sister,he still in shock plus he have a crush on her.

"why did you call Mr.Kim 'appa' ?",asks his mother."its just a habit since I was a kid,he's my real appa's brother who take care of me after you leave me..",explained Sehun."mianhae,mianhae..I didnt mea-","aniya..appa has told me everything,dont be sorry..you didnt mean it that way",cut Sehun,hugging his omma.He take a glance at his crush,correction,his twin sister and smile.

The next day,he tell the fact that Jisoo is his twin sister to Baekhyun and Chanyeol.Both of them shock but comfort Sehun with their words and lame jokes.


"oppa !",shouted Jisoo."wae ?",answered Sehun."come and help me !",she added.Sehun take a step towards Jisoo,begin to help her gardening."gomawo oppa~",sang Jisoo when they done doing the gardening and lean her head on Sehun's shoulder.

"I guess this why I feel such a connection with you..because you are my twin sister..anyway I'm happy now,I got your your love as I wanted to..even as your twin brother..",thought Sehun.

He wrap his hands around her,protecting his twin sister no matter what.Willing to give up his life for his only family since their mother has died because of cancer.He know now the reason why his mother wanted to meet him so badly.And he's going to do what his mother told him before her last breath..

To take care of Jisoo no matter what..

and secure his real feelings towards her FOREVER


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