♡Mute Friend♡Kyungsoo♡

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"____" is your name.

" what ?! a trip with Kyungsoo's family ?! ",you half yell.

" low your voice ! they are just outside ! ",whispered your mom.

" but you know that Kyungsoo is mute,right ? ",you complain.

" don't call him that,he is not actually mute ",stern your mom.

" what is he then ? ",you teased.

" he is just a shy person ",she defend.

"yeah right ",you rolled your eyes.

" and that is why his parents plan this vacation,so that you can help their only son to talk more ",explained your mom.

" nooooo !!! ",you refused.

" yah ! ",mad your mom cornering her eyes behind you.Its Kyungsoo.

what have I done so wrong that I got this punishment ? You sigh inwardly.


"_____ ! faster will you ?! ",shout your mom.

" I'm coming ",lazily you come out of the house.

The sight of Kyungsoo slowly appear,helping your father lodging the luggage.Yes you guys ride together in a caravan which was suggested by your own mother.Slowly,the caravan started to move.

" lets play a game ",suggests your mom elbowing you.

" yeah lets play ",you fake a smile.

You continue to play games with your mom.Together with Kyungsoo and her mom since you guys sit at the back while your and his father are being a driver and co-driver.


" the sea looks great ! ",exclaimed your mom.

when did you got this childish mom ?

" yah ! can you be more excited to be part of this trip ? ",mouthed your mom.

" yeah yeah yeah !!! ",you shouted and then walk away.

" is she like that at school ? ",whispered Kyungsoo's mom to him.He just shrug.


hopefully they will think me as a freak and leave me out on every trip with them

" _____ ! ",you turn around.Kyungsoo.

" what ? ",you asks without looking at him.

" are you okay ? ",he asks hesitatedly.

" hmm ",you hum.

" I'm sorry if this trip annoys you ",he says.

you notice it thank you

" nahh ",you deny.

" I know you ____,you are not the type to be around someone like me ",he explained.

" what is that suppose to mean ? ",you raised a brow.

" someone mute like me ",he take a seat on the sand.

" about that...I don't really mean it that way ",you sit beside him.

he heard me that night.

" its okay,thats also one of the reason I like you ",he blurted out.

" hmm ? ",you turn to him.

" I like you ",he repeat.

" I didn't know you have sense of humor ",you awkwardly joke.

" _____,I LIKE YOU to be exact I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU ",he emphasize.

You were getting back on your,trying to walk away.But the next thing he said,stops you from taking another step.

" I know you like me too ",he shouted.

" h-h-how did you k-know ? ",you turn back.

" because I can feel that we share the same feelings ",he murmured.

" don't you ? ",he open his arms.

Without any doubt,you ran towards him straight into his arms.

" thats more like it ",he says hugging you.

" I'm in love with you Do Kyungsoo,from the very start but you never notice it ",you exclaim.

" but I do now and I will always do ",he stroke your hair.


" Kyungsoo can you go to the kitchen and tell your aunt to bring more snacks ? ",told your dad.

" nee ",answered Kyungsoo and walk to the kitchen.


" mom I don't think he will ever notice me ",you says.

" what do you mean ? ",she reply.

" because he is such a 'mute' boy ",you explained.

" what do you mean by 'mute' ? ",asks your mom.

"he doesn't talk that much ",you added.

" is it perhaps Kyungsoo ? ",says your mom with a smirk.

" mom stop,its embarassing ",you blushed.

" because we are going for a trip with them ",she stated.

" what ?! a trip with Kyungsoo's family ?! ",you half yell.

Kyungsoo is behind the door." this trip going to be memorable for us ",he smirks.


how was it ? I was planing on sad one but my dear bae threaten me to do the same with my UB so I take it back and make this sweet storyline anyway I hope its okay though a vote and perhaps a comment ?

thank you


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