Fair ( Jongin )

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" Ugh. I miss my babies. ", frowned Jongin.

There he goes again. You sick of him missing his babies. Yeah his babies is none other than his beloved Jjangah, Monggu and Jjanggu.

It is your date with him. Having it once a while when he got day off from schedule surely you want to cherish it a lot. But then, here he is sitting with you but his mind is somewhere else.

" Yah. Kim Jongin. ", you called his name. Still frowning, he turned to you. " We are dating right now. ", you told him.

" So ? ", he bluntly asked. That's it. You attempted to leave him but he grab your wrist, bringing you bacm to sit by his side. " I'm sorry. I just miss them. ", he uttered.

You glared at him. " We can just go home now. ", you sarcased. His reaction was unexpected. You thought that he will against but he turned to you with sparkling eyes hearing your suggestion. " Seriously, Kim Jongin ? Ugh. ", feels like your blood pressure increased.

He chuckled. " They are just my puppies, babe. Are you really that jealous of them ? ", he look you interestedly.

" What can I do when you always think about them while you're with me ? ", you complained. " Maybe I should just hang out with Sehun. ", you teased. Jongin know you are fond of Sehun. It makes him jealous almost everytime you mention Sehun in front of him.

" Not another Sehun talk, please. ", he grunted.

You feel happy. Talking about Sehun, comparing them always make Jongin surrender in defeat.

" That's how jealous I am when you always keep on thinking your babies on our date. ", you told him. " Just like you, you don't hate Sehun but when I started to prefer him over you, you dislike it don't you ? That's how it goes with me too. I don't hate your babies but I dislike it when you prefer them over me. ", you explained.

He sighed in defeat. He turned to you, looking into your eyes. Even that, you still unsure of his mind. He always said something like ' Okay, I'm sorry. Won't do it again. ' But everything change back to normal after less than five minutes.

" Okay. ", he said it. " Won't do it again.I'm sorry. ", same line as always.

You were expecting him to change his mind. But he didn't. Instead he pulled you into a hug. Pecking your cheek before stroking your hair from behind.

Looks like he really lost this time. That's what you're thinking.

" Don't worry. ", he assured concluded a smile from you. " I love you guys equally. ", he added.

" What ?! ", you tried to pull his body. But to no avail, he won't let you do so. He then chuckled into your ears.

" Equally, babe. That's good enough. ", he said.

This time you're the one who sighed in defeat. You can never win against those puppies. You have to admit it, they're cute. But at the same time you're jealous of them.

" Don't you dare to put anyone else as number one priority other than us. ", you warned him. He nodded his head enthusiastically. He knows you refer ' us ' as you and his puppies.

" What about the members ? And my family. ", he asked jokingly.

" Fine. ", you said. " No one other than mentioned. ", another sigh slip your mouth.

" I love you, babe. ", he whispered.

" I know. ", you replied then remain silent. Jongin then break the hug. Looking at you, expecting for the same three words from you. " I love you, too. ", you beamed.

His lips curved up into a smile before hugging you again.


Happy Birthday to Kim Jongin !!! Its a brand new year and all of them is getting older kkkk It was Kyungsoo's first then Jongin. No wonder they got shipped kkk

Anyway thanks for reading it. Let's pray the same thing for Jongin. Healthy and happy life with his friends and family and also with us, his fans hhehe btw do one of you think you can win over his babies ? hhaha

Perhaps I'll be back on Minseok's birthday which is my EXO-M collection. So, stay tuned ! 'Till then.

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xoxo [ v>_< ]

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