One Sided ( Sehun )

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" It's Sehun! " Your friend informed as soon as you guys stepped in the building.

" Sehun who? " You questioned.

" Oh Sehun! The new rookie group member. Our sunbae though. " She said excitedly.

" Oh. " You nodded and proceeded to the practice room.


" Exo is coming to Running Man! " Your friend informed while fanning herself.

" What? " Confused, you asked.

" Our sunbae! The one Sehun's in. " She explained.

" Ah. " You acknowledged then focused back on your dance.


" Hi, " he approached. " Trainee right? I'm Sehun. " He smiled proudly.

" Yeah? " You raise a brow.

" You don't know me? Exo? " He sounded hurt.

" Ah. " You remembered what your friend told you. " Exo's Sehun. "

" Yes. " He dragged the 's' with a smile crept back on his face.


" Are you okay? " You asked him.

" What do you mean? I'm totally fine. " He shrugged.

You glared at him. " I read about those sasaeng. "

He laughed while you look at him wondering why he's laughing. " You were worried about me. " He look like he won a lottery.

" Of course I am! " You told him. " I'm your friend. "

He stared deep into your eyes. " Are you sure it's not more than that? " He wiggled his brows.

You look at him skeptically before landing a smack on his forehead. " Keep on dreaming, pretty boy. " He throw his head back, laughing. " I'm serious though. Aren't you worried about your safety? "

Sehun sighed deeply. " I'd be crazy if I'm not. But I promise you nothing bad will happen to me, not when you're still my friend instead of my girlfriend. " He smirked.


He's sitting on the grass, alone. His head hung low. Nothing could describe his feeling at the moment. She's gone. He stare at the grey, new tombstone. And there, craved her name beautifully.

" I promise you nothing bad will happen, not when you're still my friend instead of my girlfriend. "

Sehun let out a low chuckle. A tear escaped from his right eye. " I've promised but not you. It was a one-sided promise. "

" I should've made you promise. "


A/N: Hi again! Am I doing okay with my latest updates? Hope I did :) See you guys in the next update, soon. Heh

Thank you
[ v>_< ]

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