The Truth ( Kyungsoo )

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" So ? ", questioned Sehun. The older ignoring him. " Hyung ! ", he demanded.

" No answer. ", sighed Kyungsoo.

" You might going to spend your birthday tomorrow with us without her. ", interupted Chanyeol. " Better fix this soon, Soo. ", he adviced.


You decided to ignore when your phone rings. You know its Kyungsoo, but you just can't contain your feels. Dating rumors were something expected when you're dating an idol but still, it hurts to know that.

You let out your feelings on a group whatsapp with your other friends. It became worse when one of your friends told you what she found when she googled the rumors.

It turns out that those dating rumors came out once before but get denied. Everything just break your heart. Their couple rings thingy, their couple running shoes and even the line from Exo's Peterpan lyrics where Sojin's Girls' Day stylist wrote as caption with her picture.

Can everything get worse than this ?

You told your friend you're not in the mood and turn off your data. Kyungsoo has been calling you since he heard about that but hey, you've been ignoring him.


" Help me on this one. ", pleaded Kyungsoo.

" Aren't you scared of our agency ? ", wondered Jongdae.

" I'm more scared if I lose her, Jongdae. ", stated Kyungsoo.


Being a playful yourself, you have a pretty close relationship with the Beagle Line. Especially Baekhyun, you can never say ' no ' to his rectangle smile as Kyungsoo once said.

That also conclude why you're now ib the car with them while Joonmyeon driving. It was never your decision, but you don't really against it. You miss Kyungsoo despite the rumors and them secretly bringing you to their dorms can be make as an excuse.

" Tomorrow is Kyungsoo's birthday, have you bought his present ? ", Joonmyeon suddenly asked.

It caught you off guard. You were crying the whole day. No. You didn't forget his birthday, its just you want to show them and him that you were truly hurt.

Baekhyun notice your facial expression. " Eyyy, what for. He didn't deserve it. ", he said playfully.

" Yah ByunBaek, don't add oil on burning fire. ", Jongdae interupted. He also knock on his head. Easier for him since Baekhyun sit in front.

" Can you guys just shut up ? ", warned Chanyeol.

They went silent after that. Soon after the car slowed down. You can see their dorm up front. You were thinking what Kyungsoo's reaction when he saw you. Will he pull you into a hug ? Will he asked if you are okay ? Or worse case it can be, will he be mad at you for ignoring him the whole day ?

" _____ ? ", called Jongdae. " Don't you want to come out ? ", he asked reaching out his hands for you.

You reluctantly take it. " You said Kyungsoo don't know I'm coming ? ", you asked for confirmation. A nodded Chanyeol answered it. " What if-- "

" He loves you a lot. That should put you at ease. ", assured Joonmyeon. " Come. ", he beamed.

Ding dong~

A few seconds passed and the door opened revealing Yixing in just tank top. He looks calm -not surprised to see you. That's when you got that feeling that you coming here wasn't really unexpected.

" Hey ____, we've been waiting for you. ", he greeted. That's it. It was their plan. But you still wondering, is Kyungsoo play along with this ?

Baekhyun grab a hold of your shoulder from behind and pushed you inside the dorm. " Where's Kyungsoo ? ", he asked to Yixing.

" I'm here ! ", shouted Kyungsoo. Baekhyun continue to push your body to their kitchen.

There you can see Kyungsoo in his apron with a ladle in his right hand. He's cooking. He put the ladle down and turn off the stove. Opening his apron before he approach you.

" Hey. ", he smiled his heart-shaped lips to you. He pulled you into a hug. " I'm sorry. ", he said when you just stay still.

Others had already left to living room. You were left there with him. Slowly, you pushed him away.

" Why are you sorry ? Is it because you cheated on me ? ", you looked up his face.

He smiled weakly. " No. I didn't cheated on you. You know that's not true. ", he explained.

" How can I know when you never said a thing to me. Not even a slight assurance. ", tears welled up your eyes.

Kyungsoo looked into your eyes. " Don't cry. It hurts me to see you cry. ", he cupped your face. " Everyday, I tell you I love you. Maybe that didn't mean a lot but I hope my feelings can reach you. To make you feel beloved, so that you know how I meant that three words. ", he reassured you.

You silently sobbed. Kyungsoo pulled you into a hug again and this time it didn't took long for you to wrap your arms around his neck. " I missed you. ", with that three words, Kyungsoo smiled.

" Me more. ", he kissed your forehead.

A sudden sound of 'click' make you turn your head to the side. You can see the Beagle Line is there and Chanyeol was the one who snapped the picture.

Your phone suddenly rang. You took it out of your pocket and realized it was an alarm for Kyungsoo's birthday. He smiled when he saw that. " I'm sorry. I was too upset that I didn't bought you anything. ", you explained.

He shook his head. " You coming here, forgiving me meant a lot than any other presents. ", he ruffled your hair. " And yeah, post that picture on your instagram Chanyeol. ", he ordered.

Your eyes widen. " But, Soo-- "

" You know the truth now. Others need too. So that in the future, we argue about our own matter. You sulking when I forgot your birthday, me busy with my fixed schedule. Instead because of my dating rumors, okay ? ", he poked your nose.

" Don't you afraid of your agency ? ", you asked worriedly.

He chuckled. It was the same question from Jongdae earlier. " No. ", he trailed off.

" He said ' I'm more afraid to lose her ' ", Jongdae who remain still earlier cut him. Kyungsoo glared at him as he want to tell you that himself.

You just chuckled at them. " Beagle Line ", you uttered.


Yayyy !!!! I managed to finished it on time. Well not really on time but still hhehe. Its Kyungsoo's birthday !!!! Saengil chukhahaeyo ~

Let's pray for his health and also for the success of their comeback. I can't wait [ >.< ]

The day after tomorrow will be Jongin's birthday so I got another update for you guys. Hhehe 'till then, bye-bye

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xoxo [ v>_< ]

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