Back To Square One ( Jongin )

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Settling for a job at someplace new was never easy, never will. You'll suddenly become a mute. So when he first came, you just act normal. But his scent is too strong for you to ignore, it's one appealing scent actually.

Working at a fast food restaurant requires a lot of hard work. It was like people doesn't stop coming. You were assigned on beverages one day and you got panicked while changing it. You let out a low squeak, and he heard. Kim Jongin, he noticed and assisted you.

" You need to be calm to handle things like this." He said and smiled. At that time, you were still not that close to him so you just nodded.

Things changed since that day. He became friendlier, cheekier and cheesier towards you. " Hey, want to take a break together? We can act sweet towards each other that way. " He smirked.

You were used to his cheesy lines. But it was unexpected when he told you that you're cute while looking directly into your eyes. Afraid that he might figured something by doing that, you turned away while saying, " Yeah, right. "

" I'm being honest. " He pressed. You thought everything ended when he stopped saying nonsense but no. He was actually waiting for you to turn around so that he can look deep into your eyes once more.

" Don't look at me like that. " You told him with a heavy breath and walked passed him. You heard him laughed. And everything back to normal the next day. Normal means he's back to being cheeky and damn, he's a talkative flirt.

He was talking to his friends, something about their trip to beach right after his shift ended the day before. He got bitten by a crab and one of his friends asked about his toes.

" I'm okay. Plus, ______ helped me on putting some ointment last night. Right? " He winked at you. He chuckled when you just rolled your eyes. He really is acting as if the both of you are dating. Somehow, he kind of keep making you hope for more.

He even gave you a nickname, until one of the coworkers looked at the both of you suspiciously. When they asked, he would say, " I'm special, that's why. " And again winked at you.

Everyday before he punched out, he'd say, " I'll chat you later. " Tch, as if he will. He's been saying that like ages. You'll snort while glaring at him. " We never chat, Kim Kai. " You used the nickname you gave him.

You went back hometown for the weekend and when you came back, he's different. He's being distant. You wondered and that's when one of your girl friend there told you something, something that perhaps making Kai acting like he doesn't know you. One of his friends, Minseok, has a feelings towards you.

Kai would joke something like, " Don't worry Minseok, I'm just kidding, " everytime he kind of courting you. He's keeping a good distant.

He's changed, and so did you. You talk less. Most of the time you'll get moody and he'd say, " Don't be so moody, " while flashing his smile. You don't reply to his jokes anymore.

Minseok seemed to notice the change so he asked you, " Do you like Kai? "

You flashed a faint smile, " How can I? We never even chat or anything. "

" That's not an answer. " Minseok pressed.

You looked away. " I don't. " You lied.

And then one day, you accidentally saw him sitting absurdly close to a girl, a coworker. Anyone can tell that he's with that girl. You hide your pain away, masking a big smile on your face. Teasing him with the girl, but your heart is beyond broken. It's been crushed.

Your shift has changed to morning while his at the evening. So you hardly saw him except when you're going home and while he just came in.

" Did you asked for our shift to be on different time? " He once asked, looking skeptically.

You frowned, " Why would I? "

He shrugged. " Maybe because you don't want to see me anymore? "

" Nonsense. " You said.

It seemed like your time is up and no one was holding you back anyway. Kim Kai? Nonsense. You moved back to your hometown and until this very day, he never chat or even texted you. It was like back to square one, he's just a mere acquaintance. Just someone you once worked with, far from being a boyfriend but not even close to being a friend. More like..stranger.


A/N: I'm trying my best everyone and I'm really sorry for my inactivity. I'll try harder and I'll make up for every update that I've been missing. I'm on a mission to back into updating again, so please do continue to support me. Because I'm nothing without my readers 〒▽〒 till my next update!

Thank you
[ v>_< ]

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