#128 You're His Celebrity Crush

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"So... which of you boys are single?" The interviewer asked this routine question, leaning back in her chair as she did so. They boys looked at each other, and then all raised their hands, laughing. "To be honest, there's not much time for girls." Ashton giggled, looking down at his ripped skinny jeans. "There is for Michael," Calum muttered, causing Luke to burst out laughing. "Shut up," Michael hissed, smacking Luke's leg. The interviewer looked fairly confused, so Ashton stopped to explain. "Michael's quite smitten with (y/n)." He said as Michael blushed, mumbling something inaudible. "(y/n)?" The interviewer smirked. "I happen to know her personally." She giggled mischievously. Michael gasped, his eye widening. "Please don't tell her!" He said, sounding like a third grader that just admitted he liked someone. "Considering the fact that this is on T.V., I don't think I'll have to." She chuckled, causing Michael to turn redder than his hair. He stumbled over words, trying to form a sentence. "I think now would be a great time to change the subject, don't you think?" The boys all nodded in unison. The interview was quickly wrapped up, and Michael was the first person backstage, beating himself up for acting so foolish on television. "Michael?" Luke called over to his friend. "Shut up, Luke." Michael said, his throat tightening. "No, Michael, you seriously have to see this." Luke said excitedly. Michael looked up in confusion, and saw Luke gesturing towards his phone urgently. He took the phone from him and saw that your latest Instagram post was a picture of him, captioned "#mcm (he should probably know that he's my celebrity crush, too)" "Oh my God," Michael said, almost squealing. "Oh my God!"


Calum stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he saw you. It was basically a miracle he could see you, what with all of the flashing lights and hundreds of people, but then again, with the obsession Calum had with you, he could probably spot you almost anywhere. He was slapping his bandmates as you walked a little closer, talking to an interviewer almost right in from of them. "What?" Ashton hissed at his black and blond haired band mate. Calum desperately gestured at you, and Ashton giggled in realization. "Hey, (Y/n)!" He shouted. "Dude, what are you doing?" Calum yelled at his curly haired friend as you walked over. "Hi, Ashton!" You smiled brightly. You turned to Calum and gave him a little wave. "Hi, I'm (y/n)." You told him, as if he didn't already know. "Hi," He smiled back, although his nerves were getting the best of him. "I'm..." he trailed off, briefly forgetting his name. "Calum Hood," You blushed, looking down at your feet. Calum stopped and look at you. "You know my name," He giggled nervously. You laughed. "Of course I do... I only had the biggest crush on you for like, two years." You admitted, toying with your necklace. "You did?" Calum asked, eyes getting brighter. You laughed and combed your fingers through your hair. "That's good." He said. "What?" You asked. "I mean... that's... what I'm trying to say is..." He stuttered. "You know what, screw it. (Y/n), it's good that you had a crush on me, because I had a crush on you, too. And I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie with me sometime?"


Ashton Irwin was obviously your celebrity crush, and you made no secret of it. You tweeted about his drumming, you made him your man candy Monday once or twice, and you went out and bought yourself a shirt that says, "I prefer the drummer". Of course, you were still too shy to talk to Ashton himself, because you thought there was no chance your feelings could ever be returned. Unknown to you, Ashton had the biggest crush on you. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to pick up on the subtle hints you were giving him, and the feelings between the two of you remained unspoken, until one day, when the two of you had scheduled interviews right next to one another. You had gone first, and there was a little time gap between the two interviews, so the chances of you actually meeting Ashton were slim to none. Your hopes were all but lost when the interviewer asked if you could stay for a little while extra. He had already planned to ask the boys their celebrity crushes, and he knew Ashton had you in mind for his answer. Then, when he was talking about you, you would walk out onto the stage and sit next to the interviewer. You agreed excitedly, although you had to admit, you were feeling beyond nervous. You heard the boys talking as they started your interview, and butterflies fluttered around your stomach when you heard Ashton's familiar giggle. "Now," You heard the interviewer say. "I hear someone here has a pretty big celebrity crush." You blushed furiously, and a stage hand game over to lead you to the side of the stage. The boys were teasing Ashton about how he had seen every last one of your movies when you were gestured onstage. You were sure your face was beet red, and your legs were shaking rather furiously. You smiled and sat down next to the interviewer, waving to the audience as they clapped. The boys stopped laughing immediately, and their jaws dropped simultaneously. "Hi, I'm (y/n)." You grinned, specifically at Ashton. The boys began laughing and teasing their best friend as he stood in awe of you. Needless to say, you and Ashton had many, many dates after that.


Almost everyone at your record label knew that you were head over heels for Luke Hemmings, so when you threw a party for your first album release, more than a few invites were sent to him and his bandmates. Of course, it was mortifying for you. You were never one to make the first move with the boys- you were almost always strictly traditional when it came to dating. Your best friends made sure you looked your best, grooming and plucking and styling you until you looked like the best version of you were was. You even had a little black dress and white heels that made you feel like a goddess, but you were still in no way prepared for that night. As soon as you were announced, you could feel the butterflies in your stomach. There was only one person you were looking for, or rather, hiding from, and that was Luke. But it was almost inevitable that he would run into you eventually. After all, it was your party, and it was only proper etiquette that you congratulate the hostess. So, whilst you were talking to other people about how grateful you were, Luke snuck up behind you. He wasn't trying to scare you, but he did anyways, and when he tapped your shoulder, you turned around and jumped out of your skin, spilling your drink all over the floor. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" you gasped, looking down at your heels and his Vans, now soaked in water. He chuckled, still looking at his shoes. "It's fine," He smiled, one dimple showing. His blue eyes finally met yours, and your heart began racing. You somehow forced yourself to talk, and the two of you talked for what seemed like hours. No one wanted to interrupt you, because they knew that the both of you had been waiting for this for quite a while. When the night was coming to an end, Luke found you once more to thank you for inviting him and his friends. "It's no problem, really." You smiled at him. "I loved having you guys here," "Um, before I go, I want to ask you if maybe you'd like to grab lunch with me some time?" Luke blushed, shoving his hands in his pockets. You blushed as well, smiling shyly. "Really? I mean- I'd love to." You giggled, as he added his contact information to your phone.

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