#88 You Used To Like Another Member

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Calum: "Give it BACK!" you exclaim, trying to catch Calum, who is darting around the room, gleefully flicking through pages of your old 5sos log book. You used to religiously post pictures and draw all your fan art in it and even write quotes and little reasons why you love Calum Hood so much. "Never. This is too good" he laughs, a mischievously evil sparkle in his deep brown eyes. "Calum Thomas Hood, I swear to God…." you try to growl, but it comes out as a giggle. Suddenly, Calum’s chuckle fades and the smile on his face disappears. He stares intently at a page, looking confused. "What?" you ask, trying to see what has fazed him.  "What’s this?" he asks, tapping onto a picture of Luke, with a big pink heart drawn around it. It is followed by several other cut outs of Luke, the page decorated in little pink love hearts. "Oh. That" you say, awkwardly scratching your head. "Well, I kinda used to have little bit of a crush on Luke" you admit. Calum doesn’t look impressed. "But this was like…. WAYYYYY back, when I first found your band. Probably about two years ago actually" you assure him. "I can’t believe you liked Luke" he mumbles. "Only for like a month, come on, don’t be like….." you start to say, before Calum interrupts you. "When clearly I am the superior choice! Good thing you came to your senses and  picked me instead” he grins, and a stone falls from your chest. You roll your eyes at him before stepping into his embrace, wrapping your arms around his waist and looking into his wise, kind eyes. “It’ll always be you, Calum Hood” you smile, before kissing him.

Ashton: You are playing the “first impressions” game with the boys on a typical Saturday night at Ashton’s house. Ashton has just finished saying how he thought 5sos was stupid and annoying before he joined, which gave you all a little laugh. “Ok, your turn Michael. What did you first think of (y/n)?” Calum asks. At this point, you are all a little tipsy from the red wine you’ve stolen from the fridge and are just drunk enough to have lost the ability to differentiate between appropriate things and dumb things to say. “Well, I actually had the biggest crush on (y/n) for like, the whole first two months or so. I thought you were a BABE!” Michael smirks, making everyone laugh. “That is so funny, because I thought you were definitely the hottest too!” you exclaim. Once the words leave your mouth, you regret them instantly. You slowly turn your head to were your boyfriend is sitting. He doesn’t look too happy about your confession. “What?” he blinks, his puppy like eyes flicking between you and Michael. “Well, it was only for a little while, until I got to know you better. Then I fell for you.” you try to backtrack. “You didn’t think I was hot at first?” Ashton asks, seemingly heart broken. “I did! It’s just….. I dunno, Michael was just….. It doesn’t even matter, you’re the one I love now, so who cares?” you try to save the situation. “Is he still hotter than me?” Ashton asks. “Of course not, babe. Not even Ryan Gosling could win me over from you” you assure him, scooting over to him and hugging him tightly, which makes him beam with pride. “Pff, whatever. I still think i’m hotter” Michael remarks, lightening the mood again so you can continue with your evening.

Michael: "I still remember the first time I met you" Michael smiles, looking down at you, leaning against his chest, your fingers intertwined with his. "It was at that Panda Express at the mall by your house, and they got our orders mixed up and we ended up sharing our food and you got orange sauce all over your shirt" he chuckles. "I remember that. I played it cool, but I was freaking out inside because I knew who you were" you chuckle quietly, relishing in the memory. "Ha ha, I remember seeing you at a meet and greet way before that in central Sydney. I remember because you were freaking out and you were all let me get a picture with Calum, I love you Calum" Ashton imitates you. Calum elbows him hard in the ribs, a panic-stricken look in his face. You had made Calum and Ashton promise they wouldn’t mention that to Luke and especially Michael because you didn’t want him to be jealous over a crush you had ages ago. "Wait, what?" Michael asks, frowning. "I used to be a bit of a Calum’s girl. But that was WAY before we met at Panda Express, I swear Michael! By then I was a full fledged Michael’s girl. And I always will be" you swear up ad down, nervously watching for his reaction. "You could have just told me" he mumbles in a disgruntled tone. "I know, i’m sorry, I just didn’t see the need to, it was so brief and it wasn’t actual love or anything…." you promise. Michael can’t help but shake his head humorously at your rambling and plants a kiss on your forehead. "As long as you love me now" he says, cuddling you a little tighter.

Luke: Sunshine pours into the room and you blink sleepily against the light. Even though it is bright, you can tell it is still early, or too early to be up at least. Yet, just as you are about to close your eyes agian, you see Luke sitting up in bed, hunched over, his head placed on his knees. “Luke?” you croak. His head shifts slightly to the side. He gives you a swift glance, then looks away again. You know Luke isn’t a morning person, but this iciness from him is unusual behaviour. “Luke? What’s wrong?” you ask, sitting up now too. “You sleep talk, you know” he remarks dryly. “Yeah…. so? Does it keep you up at night? “No. But the fact that you repeatedly said Ashton’s name in your sleep does” his reply comes, the hurt apparent in his tone. “Oh God, Luke, I just had this dream about how when we met last year” you say, silently swearing at your dumb mouth. Luke doesn’t speak. “Luke, it means NOTHING, I swear! I  mean ok, I USED to like Ashton a little in the beginning, but only….” you don’t get to finish. “You used to LIKE him?” Luke explodes, jumping off the bed, as if it is invested with ants. “Only because he was so nice to me and you were so shy and I didn’t know you that well. As soon as you opened up, I fell in love with you, and I still am!” you tell him, trying to explain yourself. “Why did you never tell me this?” Luke asks in exasperation. “I’m sorry, Luke, I didn’t want to hurt your feelings! But I love you. So much. Ashton is like a brother to me now, i’d never EVER go there with him, I swear” you say, looking Luke dead in the eye. You see the anger and doubt fade in his crystallic blue eyes. “Ok then. I love you too. I don’t ever wanna lose you to someone else” he says softly. “And you won’t. Not ever” you promise, squeezing his hand tightly and pulling him back onto the bed to show him your love.

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