#24 He Is Your Older Brother's Best Friend

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"Hey Lukey?" you hum as you sat across from your brother’s best friend at your family’s dining room table. "Yes cutie pie?" he smirks, raising his eyebrow at you. "My neck hurts, make it better?" you ask, biting down on your lower lip, and he instantly stands out of his chair. "So by make it better.." Luke trails off, standing behind your chair as he presses his soft lips to your neck. "You mean give you hickeys?" he chuckles, lightly sucking on the skin as his hands travel under your shirt, slightly groping your chest. "That’s exactly what I mean" you hum, quietly moaning as he bites down on your collarbone. "Hey Luke, I need help" your brother calls from where he was probably playing a video game in the living room. "Fuck" Luke mumbles, pulling his lips away from your neck. "I guess I’ll talk to ya later babe" he winks, blowing you a kiss as he leaves for the other room.


"What’re you doing here Ash? My brother’s at rugby" you chuckle as Ashton pushes through the doorway to your house. "I know, that’s why I’m over now" he smirks, sending a wink in your direction. "Why did he have to make the ‘no-dating-my-little-sister’ rule" Ashton pouts as he backs you against the wall. "I don’t know, but rules were made for breaking, right?" you smirk as he brushes his lips against yours. "Exactly" he chuckles, smashing his lips roughly against yours. You tangle your hands through his messy hair, only to pull away from him quickly as you hear the lock on your front door click. "We’ll finish this when he’s asleep" Ashton whispers to you before you hurriedly walk off to your room.


"Damn, you look hot" Michael smirks as you walk into your backyard, only wearing your swimsuit. "Glad you like it" you wink at him as you head towards the pool. "It’d look better on the floor" he mumbles under his breath and you chuckle as you jump into the water. "Maybe it’ll be on the floor later, after my brother goes over to his girlfriend’s house?" you hum, raising your eyebrow at Michael. "Sounds good to me" he smiles, looking around to make sure your brother was out of sight before leaning down and connecting his lips to yours.


"I’m gonna go make popcorn, do you guys want any?" you ask your brother and his group of friends since you were all watching a movie together. "Sure" they all say in unison and you nod before making your way to the kitchen. "I’ll help" Calum mumbles, following you into the other room. "I appreciate your assistance on this extremely difficult task" you smirk and Calum rolls his eyes, making his way over towards you. "I just needed to kiss you" he hums, resting his hands on your hips. "Why don’t we just tell my brother we’re together already?" you sigh, resting your forehead against his chest. "Because, he’ll fucking kill me" Calum whispers, gently rubbing your back. "Maybe we can tell him in a few months" he finishes, placing a kiss to the top of your head.

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