#100 He Comes Home Drunk

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WHOOO HOOO! #100 thank-you all for reading and I hope you have enjoyed it I think I'm going to continue till 200 and see what happens there.Love you all <3


Calum: The sheets move harshly at your side awakening you from your dreams. You hear Calum’s loud curses that he thought were silent ones. Your eyes open slowly, already watching the sunshine coming in through the curtains. As you glance at the clock, it reads 6:34. You sit up, watching an obvious drunk Calum, trying to take his shirt off, getting ready for bed but his head gets stuck in his shirt. Trying to wiggle his way through it, he lost his balance falling back on the bed. You snorted at the sight of your boyfriend who earlier this night, or let’s say yesterday evening asked for your permission to go out with the guys. The sound you made, made Calum sit up again, his shirt still on front of his face as he looked around curiously. You now full on laughed at his stupidity. “Come here, idiot.” You say, your voice trying to get used to the morning. You grab the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head, making Calum tumble into you. “Hiiiiiii babyyy.” He smiled sheepishly. “Hi Cal.” You smile warmly. “You’re really drunk aren’t you?” Calum shook his head harshly but had a mischievous look in his eyes. “Try to sleep babe.” You say, wanting to go back to sleep yourself. “Nooo I- I have to do..-” He raises his hands to start counting on his fingers. “- To shower and- and to do that thing to my teeth.” Calum says, pointing to his teeth. You chuckled lightly. “You can do those things when you wake up again.” With Calum’s head still on your stomach, you brushed his hair from his face, gently caressing his face watching his eyes droop. “You are a good friendgirl.” Calum sighs, your loving touches making him sleepy. “Friend- girl friend.” He giggled the last word before drifting off to sleep. You hold in your laughter as you continued combing his hair with your fingers until you fell asleep beside him.

Ashton: “BABY, I’m HOOOME.” Ashton yells, ‘walking’ through the front door, throwing his keys onto what he thinks is the table but is at least a meter away. You lie on the couch, a blanket drawn over your legs as you read a book. Ashton told you not to stay up, but as it was one of his habits to be extremely loud when he was drunk and or to call you to pick him up, you would save yourself the trouble. “I’m right here, I can hear you. I’m not deaf you know.” You whisper, hoping Ashton would follow your lead. You put the book away watching Ashton hover over you and he let himself fall right on top of you, giggling. “Why are you whispering?” He asked, trying to whisper himself but it sounded like he was whisper screaming. “Because it’s late and the neighbours are probably asleep.” You replied. He opened his eyes wide and let out an ‘ooooh’. “Because the neighbours. Ssssshhh.” He said, putting his index finger to his lips. “Sssssshhh babe, we’ve got to be so quiet.” He says, squinting his eyes. You pulled the blanket away from underneath you, now tucking Ashton in, trying to shift his weight off of you. “We can’t be loud. It’s so late (y/n).” He now whispered low in your ear. “Yes love, that’s true. Guess I’ll be quiet now.” “Good thinking!” Ashton replied, giving you a thumbs up. You snuggled closer to his chest, his reaction to hold onto you never faltered. “Did you have fun?” You asked him before he fell asleep. He nodded, almost as if he was sobering up already. “But you-” He says tapping your nose. “You are the most fun in town.” He says, smiling wide with his dimples making you chuckle.

Luke: You hear sounds coming from downstairs as a car in front of your house drives away, honking way too loud for this time of night, telling you Luke was safe at home again. The rummaging went on for about a half hour, making you curious what he was doing. You quietly went down the stairs, seeing how Luke had stalled out the fridge onto the dinner table, eating everything that was near his hands. “Luke!!” You yell softly. His blue eyes dart to the angle where your voice was coming from, a big smile appearing on his face. “(Y/n)!!” He replied in the same tone. “What do you think you’re doing, mister.” Looking at all the groceries you bought early today with big bites out of everything. “Eating?” He asks, as if he wasn’t sure himself. “Babe, you know you’re a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.” You warn him. Suddenly Luke shoots up from his seat, taking you by surprise as he pulls you close singing Lightweight by Demi Lovato. “Luke.. Luke!” You yell a little louder, trying to get him off of you. “Lucas! Go to the toilet right now!” You order, already seeing his face turn greenish. “Babe, I’m fi-.” His face turns horrid in the middle of the sentence and you knew it’s too late. He bends over, everything he ate and drank the night before and just now came out, spilling over the white tiles of your kitchen floor. You sigh a little, carrying Luke to the bathroom incase anything more came out. After the worst was over, you took him upstairs and cleaned him up, brushing his teeth, cleaning his face and his hands, and change him into clean clothes to sleep in. You tucked him in, as two big blue orbs bore into yours, full of guilt and sorrow. “I don’t feel so good.” He pouted. “No shit.” You replied. “I’ll help clean it up, babe I swear.” He says, but he had no intention of getting up. You sigh again, and put on a small smile. “Don’t worry about anything, babe. I got it. Just get some rest and if you need me, I’m here okay?” He nodded slightly. “Can I have a kiss goodnight?” He asked, as if he was a little kid that was hurting. You kissed the corner of his mouth. “That’s all you get for now.” You say, getting up to clean up the mess he made downstairs. “But you better make it up to me tomorrow.” You say, laughing a little but even in his condition right now, he knew you meant it.

Michael: “Well well well, if it isn’t mister party hardy.” You say, as Michael entered the room through the backdoor. The smell of alcohol was all around him, but you knew that was going to happen after not seeing the guys for months. As long as he didn’t do it too often, you were okay with an occasionally drunk Mike to take care of. “Party hardy in tha houseeee.” He cheered, he did a little dance along with the yell. You giggled a little, focusing on the movie you were watching. Michael came over to where you were sitting, planting a sloppy kiss on your cheek, cuddling you as he rubbed his cheek against the top of your head like a cat. Suddenly he tore away from you. “I need to peeee.” He’d say, making his way to the toilet. He was singing questionable songs under his breath, probably songs he had been hearing all night, but he was not quite able to get the lyrics right. You were so into the movie that you hadn’t noticed that Michael still hadn’t returned to you until after it was over. You turned off your TV, making your way to the bedroom, thinking Mike had already gone to bed. You went into the bathroom, only to witness Michael sitting on the toilet, fast asleep, his head leaning on the radiator next to him and he was snoring. Your hand shot up to your mouth, trying to keep your laughter to a minimum. You walked over to him, gently shaking his shoulder. “Mike… Mikey! Babe!” You said, after a few good hard shakes, green eyes met yours. He looked around, not understanding what he woke up to. “We need to get you to bed, don’t we?” You laughed, flushing the toilet as he stood up. He looked at you with a dull look in his eyes. “I’m done peeing now.” Michael answered, like a whole different question was asked. “Good for you babe.” You said looking back at him, motioning him to bed. “You’re so pretty. You’re really pretty.” Michael said, poking your cheek to see if you were for real. “That’s nice to know baby.” You said, letting Michael placing himself in bed. “If you were my girlfriend I would never let you go.” He said in all honesty. “I am your girlfriend silly.” You replied quietly, taking off his blouse. “Wow I’m so lucky, so lucky.” He breathed, now taking your mouth in his hand and squishing it. “Go to sleep Mike.” You said. “Will I see you tomorrow?” He asked as if it was our first date all over again. “Yes, I’m gonna be here for a loooong time.” You assured him. “So lucky.” He muttered one last time until he drifted off to sleep, letting you get ready for bed yourself, smiling at his words.

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