#35 Nightmares

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You tossed and turned, squirming, trying to get away from whatever was happening in your imagination. A bead of sweat rolled down your hairline, and you let out a startled scream, which was a reaction to your nightmare. You distantly felt someone wrap their arms around your waist, brushing the hair out of your sweaty face. 

“Wake up…” The person cooed, shaking you gently. “C’mon Y/N, it’s just a dream.” You shifted in their arms, and suddenly your eyes shot open. You saw your boyfriend sitting there, eyes filled with worry. You wrap your arms around his neck, shaking from fear. He rubbed your back soothingly, whispering calming words. Tears fell from you eyes, scared to lose him like you did in the dream. His large hands gripped your waist, letting you know that he was there. 

You calmed down after a while of shaking and crying. You knew he was there, he wasn’t leaving, and he wasn’t hurt. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, in a hushed tone. The dark room wasn’t dark enough to hide his Carmel colored eyes. You shake your head gently, pulling him done back to lie down. He pulls you close, and you lay your hair on his chest. 

“Thank you for not leaving.” You murmured into his warm, bare skin. He wrapped his arms around you, along with the thick blanket. 

“I’m never leaving.” He kissed your head, and you closed your eyes, drifting into a more gentle sleep. 


You felt someone shift beside you. You rolled over, and saw your boyfriend, Calum, turning over, again and again. His dark hair fell into his eyes, and his fingers clenched the sheets with a great force. You shook your head lightly. He was having nightmares on a regular basis now, and it was really worrying. 

You moved closer to him, and went to shake his shoulder, but you were stopped. His hands gripped your waist, pulling you into his body. He held you with such a force, that there was no way you could get out. He hid his face into your neck, his whole body shaking. 

“Calum.” You called, your voice ringing throughout your quiet apartment. He shifted. You wiggled your arm out of his tight grip, and shook his shoulder gently. “Calum, babe. Wake up.” 

“Hmm…” His brown eyes flickered open, fear evident in them. He looked around, before finding you. You smiled softly up at him. “Oh, sorry.” He let go of you. You brought the older boy into your arms, and let him snuggle into your neck. He sighed deeply, and wrapped his arms around your stomach. 

“What’s wrong, baby?” Your voice quiet, hushed. He didn’t answer for a while, letting you run your fingers through his hair. He sighed heavily again.

“I just don’t want to lose you.” You felt your heart shatter at his tone. “I keep having these dreams that you realize that you’re too good, and you just leave me.” You move your shoulder, making him lift his head. 

“I’m never leaving you, Calum. Don’t ever think that I am. I love you.” You locked eyes, making sure he understood the point. He nodded, and laid his head back on your shoulder. 

“I love you, too.” He mumbled before drifting off to a soundless sleep.


You heard sirens outside your apartment. You checked your phone. His last text was twenty minutes ago. 

Michael <3:

i’m on my way, baby. See you soon! Xx

It never took him over ten minutes to get to your house. Your heart started to beat faster, as the sirens got louder and more urgent. You grab one of Michael’s sweaters, and throw it on over your leggings, and slipped on the first shoes you saw. 

With your phone in hand, you rushed outside. You followed the red lights, and the loud sirens. You ran as fast as your feet could carry you, and once you got on the site, you stopped. Everything stopped. There was a very familiar car smashed beyond repair into the back of a semi truck. Your heart stopped beating, your lungs stopped working, your feet stopped moving, your eyes stopped blinking. Everything hurt, and you broke. You fell to your knees, screaming to anyone for help. Ambulances were already there, firefighters working their way into your boyfriend’s car, policemen questioning the truck driver. 

“Ma’am! Ma’am! I’m going to have to ask you to quiet down! Do you know who he is?” A tall man was suddenly kneeling at your side. You nodded frantically, not trusting your voice. 

“M-Michael Clif-f-ford. He’s my b-boyfriend.” The man looked down at you sadly, before helping you back to your feet. 

“I’m sorry to have to be the one to inform you, but I’m afraid he isn’t going to make it.”  Your knees gave out once again, the man wasn’t able to keep you up. Your whole world was gone. You let out a pained scream, trying to block out the sound of the sirens. Men were rushing around, screaming orders. You screamed louder, trying to block out those too. You didn’t want to hear anything, but the sound of his voice. You screamed as loud as you could, indicating the pain you were feeling. 

“Wake up!” You shot up, sweat dripping from your skin. The feeling of fear was still racing through your body, you looked around for a sign that Michael was okay. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” His voice was filled with worry. You met his light eyes, and tackled him in a hug. You hid your face in his neck, afraid that he might disappear. 

“You’re alive.” You mumbled repeatedly. He stroked your hair after he recovered from shock. 

“It’s okay, babe. I’m here.” He said into your hair. You sighed, happy that it was only a dream. 


You sat up quickly, suddenly wide awake from your nightmare. You reach beside you, just to make sure that he’s there. He is. You let your eyes close, and you let out a relieved sigh. He groans, and rolls over to face you.  

“Y/N? Are you okay?” He asked, sleepily. You open your eyes, looking over at him. You nod, lying back down. His blue eyes are still bright enough to shine in the darkness of your bedroom. 

“Just a nightmare. I’ll be fine.” You mumble, feeling sleep take over again. He intertwined your fingers together, and gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. His bracelets tickled your wrist, but you didn’t move your hand away. You moved closer to him, your legs tangling together. His warmth kept you safe, reminding you that everything was okay; nothing bad was going to happen to you when he’s around. 

“Do you want to talk about it?” His lips moved on your skin. Neither of you were asleep after ten minutes, and Luke could tell that you were still afraid of the dream. 

“I just thought that he would come back…that he would hurt you instead of me this time.” You admitted, not wanting Luke to think that you were weak, or stupid. He squeezed your hand again, making you feel safe, again. His head buried in your neck, hands held tightly, legs tangled together; nothing felt unsafe around him. “But I know that it won’t ever happen.” 

“Good, because I want you to know that I will protect you no matter what.” His lips tickled your skin, causing you to squirm. He chuckled, and repositioned himself where his head was resting on your shoulder. “I love you.”

“I love you, too dork. Now let’s get some sleep, because you have to be in the studio tomorrow.” He nodded, squeezing your hand one last time that night. You smiled to yourself, as he kissed the material of your shirt. How did I get so lucky? 

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