#63 What You Do On Your Day Off

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MICHAEL: Lazy Day In. You rolled over and cracked one eye open. There, before you, in all of his was your beautiful now red-haired boyfriend, fast asleep. Or maybe not. He groaned and cracked one eye open, just like you. “Why did you have to move, Y/N?” He whined, rewrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. “I was comfortable.” You rolled your eyes. “Well I wasn’t.” He stuck his tongue out and tightened his grip, before burying his face in your chest. “Michael!” You giggled, pushing his head away. He gave a cheeky smile. “What? I wasn’t comfortable.” You scrunched your nose up and tucked your own head in the crook of his neck. “Your comfort doesn’t matter.” You mumbled. His chest rumbled as he laughed. “Let’s just have a lazy day, yeah?” He proposed. You were already nodding off again as he spoke, and managed a simple “Mmhmm…” before you were asleep once more. Michael chuckled and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head, readjusting the blanket so that it covered the two of you before he, also, fell asleep once more.

ASHTON: Drum Lesson. You’d been asking for a while, he finally had the time to teach you, and so he did. The two of you retreated to the basement, you sat down where Ashton usually sits, and he situated himself behind you, wrapping his arms around you as you held the drumsticks in hand. “Okay, so, what am I doing?” You ask with a light laugh. Ashton giggles and wraps his large hands around your smaller ones. “It’s like this, Y/N.” There wasn’t really one moment where his hands weren’t wrapped around yours as you tried (and failed) to grasp what, precisely, you were meant to do. Eventually, Ashton was on the floor in a fit of giggles as you pouted at your failure to learn anything at all. “Try again tomorrow?” He finally proposed once he sobered. You nodded and helped him up off the floor, leaving the drumsticks downstairs (until tomorrow), for some cuddles upstairs.

CALUM: Fancy Night Out. WWA has ended and the boys are home. Of course, on their first day off, you had work. You left an apologetic note on Calum’s bedside table and pressed a kiss to his forehead before leaving, trying to make it out before he woke up. You were successful. When you arrived home later, shift over, and tired as can be, you arrived to a note on your own bedside table. “Wear that one dress I really like and be ready to go at 7:30. I love you xxx - Calum.” You smiled, running a hand through your hair and doing as the note instructed. Come 7:30, you were ready to go and you walked downstairs to see your lovely boyfriend waiting outside, leaning against his car and looking incredibly dashing in his blue dress shirt and tie. “Milady,” He grinned, opening the door for you and closing it once you were settled in. He then drove the two of you to your favorite of the fancier restaurants in town, where you proceeded to have an absolutely lovely night with your favorite person in the world.

LUKE: Baking Lesson. Your dad’s birthday was coming up, and you had volunteered to bake the requested cupcakes for said birthday. Like you had volunteered to make the cupcakes, Luke volunteered to help you. Which resulted in a messy kitchen. You looked around at the mess that surrounded you, surveying the damage and wondering how long it would take you to clean. Luke had begged you (with the utilization of puppy dog eyes) to let him lick the bowl and you’d let him under the condition that he did the dishes. Upon receiving a finger-scoop of batter to the cheek, you decided he’d be cleaning a lot more than the dishes, before you grabbed some flour and threw it at him, the powder covering his face entirely. The food-fight that followed had the two of you cleaning for hours, but the shower that followed the cleaning made it all completely worth it.

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