#141 College Party

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Hey Guys,

Long time no see. I'm finally back at it again and I would like to thank you for waiting ever so patiently xx

Love, Lia 

Luke- Applying the last touch up to your look you glanced in the mirror. Am I trying too hard? You asked yourself. Sure it was a party, but it was a dorm party. It wasn't anything too fancy or anything. "Y/N, are you ready?" you roommate called from the hallway. "Oh, yeah," you grabbed your phone and exited your dorm room. "You look gorgeous," you roommate gushed. "Oh, thank you," you smiled, "you look amazing, too." She squeezed your arm as a thank you. You both walked down to where the party was being held. The RA was apparently out for the night which meant that you didn't have to be worried abut being caught. People were all over the place drinking, dancing, talking, and eating. Your roommate dragged you around as she talked to a bunch of people. She was way more outgoing, which was good for you because she could find people for you both to talk to. You were so lucky to have a roommate you really liked. After a few groups of people you had talked to you felt social enough and excused yourself. You walked off in the direction of the drinks and looked at the selection. Scrunching your nose up in disgust you gave up on any type of alcohol and decided to pour a cup of water. "So, we meet again at the drink table," you hear behind you. You turned around recognizing the Australian accent. "Hey," you said looking at Luke in front of you. "Hey, Y/N," he grinned. You both stood around the table chatting about different classes and weird customs your school had. Your heart seemed to flutter every time he smiled, and every time he laughed you felt your heart stop briefly. You were falling for this guy so fast, and it was only the second week of school. You wanted to scold yourself; you shouldn't be falling for a guy so fast. But here you were, falling too fast to stop yourself. "You look amazing by the way," Luke said, breaking you out of your trance. "Oh, um, thank you," you blushed. You tried to hide your blush by looking away. You caught your roommate/best friend giving you a thumbs up. This caused you to blush even more and look back at Luke. You saw his eyes locked on your friend and he let out a low chuckle. "She's so embarrassing," you said, with a nervous laugh. "Nah, that's nice. She's cheering you on.," Luke smiled. That smile, there it was again. "Oh, um..." you trailed off when you saw him looking at you with a loving smile. "Y/N, I really like you and I want to take you out," he said confidently. When you didn't answer he added, "I mean if you want to." A huge smile formed on your face. "Yeah, I'd like that."

Calum- It was a Saturday night and you had nothing to do. You're currently cuddled up in a bunch of blankets with Netflix opened and Tumblr up on your phone. You get a notification that you got a text. You click on it and read it.Party tonight at 8, be there ;) . It was from Calum. You haven't talked to him since you gave him your number. Your fingers hovered over the screen, should you go? Deciding that it was better than what you were doing you replied. As much as you hated frats, you wanted to see Calum. He always made your heart flutter, and right now you just wanted to find something wrong with him so you could stop liking him so much. The only reason you didn't want to like him was because you didn't want to be involved with someone in a frat, even if he wasn't like the stereotype at all. After getting ready you texted a friend saying where you were going and to text you at 10 so you could get out of there. Better safe than sorry, and knowing frat parties you wanted to be safe. You arrived and were instantly hit with the smell of alcohol. People were scattered everywhere already drunk af. You instantly regretted coming, knowing this wasn't your scene, and turned to leave. "Hey, where are you going? You just got here," you heard from behind you. You turned to see a smiling Calum with a backwards cap on his head. Your stomach did a flip. "Oh, uh, I dunno this isn't really my scene," you replied. "Come on, Y/N! This will be fun I promise. And I won't leave your side," he grinned. You took a deep breath and followed him into the party. You had a blast playing beer pong, dancing, and just chatting. You were only a little tipsy when your phone vibrated. It was one of your friends checking on you. "You ok?" Calum asked you. "Yeah, I should just go," you smiled up at him, "I had fun though. Thank you."You surprised yourself with hugging the taller boy. He let out a low chuckle, "you're welcome. Let me walk you back to your dorm though, it's not safe for you to be out right now." You nodded, agreeing with him. You both left the stuffy frat house and into the cool air. You felt a sudden clarity with the fresh air. You both walked in a comfortable silence back to your dorm building. You finally arrived and turned to thank Calum. "Uh, you wanna go out sometime? Like on a date?" Calum asked, before you could utter a word. You were taken back, but let a small smile creep on your face. "Yeah, I'd like to," You reply. He nods and bids you a goodnight leaving you standing there with your stomach fluttering.

Michael- The house was scattered as they got everything together to throw their first official party of the school year. The sorority invited the best frats on campus and couldn't wait to introduce the new sisters. You were finishing your hair when one of your sisters/best friend poked her head into your room. "They're here," she grins. You smile back and watch as she leaves your room. You finish all last minute touches and then head down to the party. The party had already began, but nothing too rowdy. People conversed all over the house. You walked up tot a freshman and introduced her to one of the sophomore frat guys you were friends with. They immediately hit it off. "Wow, this is going really well," you friend said an hour into the party. "I know. Thank goodness," you grin. As you take a sip of your drink the front door opens to reveal Michael's entire frat standing on your porch. They file into the house immediately going for the drinks. Stomping your foot you look for Michael. People all around you are becoming upset with the party crashers. You finally find him and hold onto his upper arm. "What the hell, Michael?" You spit at him. "Oh, hey princess. Thanks for inviting us. Definitely worth the journey down here. Great alcohol selection," he grinned at you. "I didn't invite you. So how about you and your frat leave our house," You sneer. He just ignores you turning back to mix a drink for himself. People begin to stare at Michael and you. Pulling him aside you stare daggers at him. "Seriously what the fuck is your problem?" You snap at him. "You're my problem. You think you're so much better than everyone else, but sadly your not," he smirked. "I don't think I'm better than anyone. I just don't appreciate you coming into a party totally uninvited," you try to say calmly. Michael looks you up and down. "Parties are supposed to be for anyone. That's how you have a good party," he shrugged, sipping at his drink. "Please, can you just leave," you beg. He just smirks. "Fine, I'll take my frat and we will leave but I need you to do one thing," he says. You know you're gonna regret this but you say, "Ok, what is it?" "Let me take you out. I want to show you that my frat isn't just a party frat. We're real guys we care about things," he said. You gulp. You had been feeling bad for saying that to him. "I'm sorry for dismissing your frat," you take a deep breath," but if you leave I will go on a date with you." Michael grins. "I'll text you later about the details, princess," his signature smirk is back on his face. With that he takes his frat and leaves the party, while you're standing there biting you lip.

Ashton- You're very good friend was having a house party and a group of you decided to attend. The party was pretty chill. A bunch of college seniors all sat around with alcohol in their hands and just talking. It wasn't a serious rager like you had gone to when you were a freshman, but of course you still loved ragers. With a drink in your hand you sat on the couch with a couple of friends and began talking. More people seemed to trickle in as the night went on. About an hour into the party you saw Ashton walk in. You instantly caught his eye. He gave you a smile and journeyed back into the kitchen to grab his own drink. You excused yourself to fill up your glass again. "Hey," you greet Ashton. "Hey, Y/N. How are you?" He asks you with a smile. "I'm good. How are you?" You ask as you pour your drink. "I'm good too," he smiles. The small talk felt incredibly awkward. You felt like you couldn't talk to him. You kept getting really flustered when his shoulder would hit your by accident. Your cheeks were permanently red as you avoided looking directly at Ashton. You felt like a small girl again crushing on a boy. You absolutely hated this feeling. "So, have anything fun planned for this weekend?" You ask taking a sip from your glass. "Hmm, not sure yet," you small a faint hint of a smirk as he said that. You just nodded and took another sip so you wouldn't have to say anything. You both left the kitchen to join a group of people and have a small chat. The whole night both and you and Aston couldn't stop looking at each other. You'd catch him looking at you from across the room and he would catch you looking at him as well. Every time your eyes locked your stomach would do a flip. Eventually it got late and you were getting extremely tipsy as well as sleepy. That combination wasn't ideal at all. You said goodnight to everyone as you began your journey home, alone. Not more than a minute later you felt someone following you. You glanced behind to see Ashton jogging up to match your pace. "You shouldn't walk home alone, at this time of night while you're tipsy," he chuckled. "Aren't you tipsy?" you asked. "Nah, haven't been drinking. I'm the DD," he grins. You nod with understanding. You both walk home in silence. Ashton's hands are shoved in his jacket as he follows you. Once you get to your apartment door you turn to Ashton. "Thank you. You didn't have to do that," you smile up at him. "Ah, I just wanted to. It's not problem at all," he smiles back at you. You turn and unlock your door. "Goodnight, Ash," you giggle. "Hey, wait. Um, I was wondering if you wanted to go out this weekend, like on a date," he asks nervously. "I'd love to," you grin. "Oh cool. Uh, goodnight," he smiles and heads back to the elevator. 

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