#60 You're In A Coma

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Ashton slowly walks into your hospital room with a box of pizza in his hands. “Hey beautiful, I’m sorry Iw as gone for so long but I know how much you love pizza,” he pauses, “I thought maybe it could help to wake you up.” He smiles and grabs a piece out of the box and waves it around your face. “You know, y/n, if you wake up now you can have a piece,” Ashton says. His face scrunches in disappointment as you stay completely still.  “C’mon y/n just wake up it’s been two weeks. It’s been too long.” Ashton grabs your hand with his and pulls it up to place a kiss on it. “Even though you’re right here I miss you so much. I just wanna hear your voice… please.” His voice cracks as he says this and tears begin to well up in his eyes, “Please.”


Calum rushes into the hospital in frenzy. He just received a call telling him that you got into a horrible accident. “Where’s y/n y/l/n??” Calum asks the lady at the counter in a rush. She tells him your room number and he immediately runs off to it. He’s out of breath by the time he gets to it. He’s about to go in but before he could a doctor stopped him, “Are you Calum Hood?” “Yes, yes that’s me now let me see her,” Calum says quickly trying to push past him. “I’m sorry but before you go in you should know that she is unresponsive.” Calum’s eyes widen as he turns to the doctor, “What do you mean ‘unresponsive’?”  The doctor places his hand on Calum’s shoulder, “Y//n is in a coma.” “B-but she can wake up from it… right?!” Calum asks anxiously. “It is possible but the odds aren’t exactly in y/n’s favor.” After he said that, Calum immediately burst past him into your room, tears flowing from his eyes. He falls on his knees beside your bed once he sees you.  He grabs your hand and looks right at you, “Y/n, please don’t leave me. We’ll get through this. You’re going to wake up, okay?” He throws his arms around you and stays there for what seems like forever.


Luke strides into your room in the all too familiar hospital. He’s done this hundreds of times, but it’s still the hardest thing for him. “Hi Luke, how was this tour?” your nurse asks him before leaving the room. “It was great, thanks,” “It’s good to see you back again,” she says as she walks out. Luke smiles at her and pulls up a chair beside your bed. “I brought you some more merch, as if you could need anymore,” Luke chuckles as he holds up some shirts he brought you. “I’ll just put them in your pile of the rest of them.” He walks over and puts the shirts in the pile of other’s that he’s compiled over the 8 years of touring. “I can’t wait for you to come watch me play again. But I did bring my guitar to sing you some new songs!” Luke says excitedly as he grabs his guitar. “I won’t be able to sing you all of them today but I promise I will before the next tour.” Luke smiles. “Hey, you know what I just realized? Your birthday is coming up soon! You’re going to be 26! You should wake up so that you can actually open your presents this year!” Luke says excitedly before his face falls, “You’ve got to be due to wake up. I mean hell, it’s been 8 years.” Luke says sadly as he places a kiss on your cheek. He rest his hand on yours and just looks at you. “I love you y/n, I still love you.” After he says this, your hand tightens around his then loosens and his eyes widen in happiness. “I love when you do that cause it just shows me that you can hear everything I’m telling you and that you’re really trying to wake up. And I know it’s probably hard y/n, but I know that you will.” Luke says with a smile before beginning to play you songs.


“This is all my fault y/n, it’s all my fault…” Michael says uneasily with tears in his eyes. It’s only been 3 days since the car accident that Michael walked away from unharmed, unlike you. “Y/n you’ve got to wake up this is killing me!  It should’ve been me, not you.” Michael says as he paces around the room. “Y/n everybody misses you so much and I feel so guilty for taking you away from them,” he says, starting to cry hysterically. “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so, so sorry y/n, I could never make this up to you…” Michael stops in front of your bed and just looks at you. He feels disgusted at all the wires and tubes they’ve had to hook up to you. “I’m such a fucking monster.” Michael walks over to the side of your bed and kneels down, placing his near your shoulder. “I love you so much y/n, please just forgive me when you wake up, that’s all I need, it’s the only thing I’ll ever ask of you again,” he says while studying your face. “And of course to wake up too,” he adds with a slight chuckle, “And I’m going to be here every day until you do.”

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