#36 Moments

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He stopped in the middle of your conversation—which mainly consisted of telling random stories and laughing about them until both of your sides ached with laughter-induced pain. He had come out of his usual quiet demeanor and seemed more alert, lighter in the event that you were spending time together alone. His fingers grazed your cheek in the absence of noise in the room, bright blue eyes wandering across your face with a look of awe.You were overtaken by an urge to draw him closer to you, and finally let him know how you felt in the form of an action—a much better substitute than words in your opinion. Your heart had quickened in pace when he came closer; his features watching—waiting for your next move. Even though you had only known each other for a limited amount of time, things seemed beyond right. You had fallen under his spell. And you were ready for more.


“You’re really trying to make my life difficult, aren’t you?” You smiled before running in the opposite direction of him, his t-shirt clutched in your hands. He chased after you before cornering you in the kitchen, laughing before he looked you directly in the eyes. You had never noticed how green they were. Maybe it was because you had never been so close, you never noticed.”You have such pretty eyes.” You heard it come out before you could stop yourself, your face instantly dropping due to embarrassment. You became hyper aware of your surroundings, taking note of every tiny detail—From your barely shaking hands to his body misted with post-workout sweat. You tried to ignore the face that he had no shirt to begin with, but your eyes paused on his torso for a little too long. He licked his lips before he responded, his eyes on yours all the while. “I think yours are much more beautiful than mine.”


You struggled under his weight, making a face as he laughed into your shoulder. “I don’t…remember you being this heavy.” You and Calum had an impromptu wrestling match after you made a snappy comment about his hair, and now he had you pinned to the floor, gasping for air. “Take it back!” He pushed you both on your sides, eventually settling in the position that you were in before. He finally stopped moving, your eyes locked on his by a happy accident. “Sorry.” He seemed a fraction less excited than he was less than a minute before, and his face was now filled with something else entirely. “So I guess that means I win?” His mischievous grin returned before you could remove yourself from under him, his hands letting you lose—but only after you admitted he was the one that came out victorious.


You had your music up loud in an attempt to drown out the noise of a quieter world, focusing on the lyrics to remind you of pleasant times before. “This is a really good album. You’re into Def Leppard? That’s sick.” You sat up in surprise when Michael entered the room. He was scrolling through the music on your phone, apparently interested in what your music taste consisted of. You walked over to him and snatched your phone out of his hands, earning a face of knitted eyebrows and discontent from him. “That was a little uncalled for.” You were about to apologize, when he stopped you. “I just didn’t pin you as a vintage rock kind of girl. That’s cool though.” You looked up at him, his face formed into a small smile while he leaned on the frame of the doorway. “Thanks.”

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