#67 Halloween (cake)

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You and Luke had dressed up as Leo from TMNT and we’re trick or treating in your neighborhood. “Time to go home!” You say. “One more house?!” Luke shouts, “No.” He sticks out his lower lip, “Can I go to the house we missed sweetheart?” You sigh, “Go ahead turtle boy.” He pulls you close kissing your cheek and to say he loves you. You watch him runaway and feel something behind you, “Y/N! Dear how have you been?” You turn around to find your best friend’s Mom. You hug her, “We’ll that’s a first,” she laughs pointing at an anxious Luke walking up to the door, “you’re a sucker for this one.” You sigh “Yeah, that boy has got me hooked.” She smiles patting your arm. “Mother’s intuition, he’s the one, you keep him to that Y/N! Happy Halloween!” You say good bye as Luke runs up beside you, “who was that?” You smile at him, “A friend.” He gives you a kiss and grabs your waist, “We can go home now.” He says and you nod happily.

You and Calum are making out on the couch ignoring the scary movie on TV. Pulling away you give him a look. “Now can I make you a puppy?He nods cheekily grabbing your bum as you walk into the bathroom hand in hand. After 30 minutes after play fighting you only managed to paint his nose black. You had put whiskers and a black nose to on yourself to resemble a kitty. “Good thing you already look like a dog.” You tease he grabs you and bites your neck whispering, “babe now it’s my turn to say happy Halloween…” The front door of your apartment flew open showing three boys with a baby pit bull the color of ash with the brightest blue set of eyes, he was only six months. You jumped from Calum’s arms and ran to the boys, “Is this little chubby for me?” You say picking him up and into your arms. “Yeah.” Calum says while the guys smile watching you talk to the puppy. “Who’s a little chubby baby? You are! Oh aren’t you a cutie.” You all settle in your living room taking the floor beside you Luke smiles. “He’s a real lover.” You kiss him on the cheek, “thanks.” He nods and looks at Calum who was starting up a keek. “Y/N tried making me look like a puppy haha,” he points the camera at you, you pick up your puppy and make him wave to the camera, “Say hi to the fam!!” . “I think she replaced me…” He says fake pouting. You reply, “Calum you’ll always be my favorite puppy.” He blushes turning to his phone to say bye.

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