#39 "Dad"

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(His P.O.V)

"D-Dada." I stare at my baby girl as she sits in the the floor in front of me, a furrow forming in between her eyebrows as she focuses on the word coming out of her mouth. "Y/N, DID YOU HEAR THAT!?" I scream up at my wife with urgency in my voice, keeping one eye on Ava and the other on the stairs. "What's wrong? Is Ava okay?!" (Y/N) comes running down the stairs in her sweats and one of my t-shirts, her hair thrown up in a messy bun; the worry in her eyes magnified by the glasses perched on her nose. "She said dada! That's me! I'm dada and that was her first word!" My face feels like it's about to crack in half from smiling so much as I stare up at her. "Are you sure, Ashton?" "I promise; watch!" I turn to my daughter, sitting her in my lap. "Say it Ava, go on, don't be shy! Say dada." "Are you sure you weren't imagining it?""I promise, Y/N, she did!" Ava just stares up at me, completely focused on the pendant hanging around my neck, her little eyes following it's every move. "Uh huh..." (Y/N) chuckles and I sigh, grabbing my phone, deciding to see if she'll say it on film. "Ava, can you tell everyone what you just said to Daddy?" "Dada." She beams at my phone and breaks into a fit of giggles as I turn the camera on (Y/N). "I told you so."


"I love him, Daddy, and there's nothing you can do about it." I can feel the anger bubbling up inside of me I stand in front of my Mom and Dad, fighting them tooth and nail about me going on tour with Calum. "He's a rockstar, (Y/N). He won't pay attention to you and you'll just get hurt!" My dad's face turned scarlet with the effort he put into trying to scare me out of going. "Who's going to take care of you? Where are you planning on sleeping? With him? No." My mom stood in front of me, hitting me with a glare and cold words. "He will, mother! He has for the past year! It's not like you care anyway, the only time you care is when I plan on leaving." I turned on my heel, grabbing my already packed suitcase, making my way to the door. "(Y/N), if you walk out this house-""Oh, and if you're worried about me losing my virginity to him, don't; I lost it to him a while ago." With that, I walked out the house, slamming the door behind me before running down the steps and into Calum's arms. "We should probably go...like...now."


I try to hold it together as I stare at the little plus sign on the pregnancy test in my hand, my body shaking as I take in a ragged breath. "Breathe, Y/N. You can tell Michael, yeah, you're young but you can do it. It's gonna be okay." I pace the hotel room, muttering to myself. Suddenly, I hear the keycard slide into the card slot and Michael steps through the door, throwing his shoes off and heading straight for the bedroom."Well, this day has been utter shit." He throws himself back onto the bed and I lower myself down next to him. "I couldn't write for shit and I-why are you crying? Babe, what's wrong?" He sits up, wiping the tears that I didn't even know had fallen from my cheeks and pulling me against his chest."Mikey, I-" I take a deep breath, hiding my face in his shirt. "I, um-'m pregnant..." He opens his mouth but I plow on, wanting to get this out of my mouth before he breaks my heart. "If you don't want to keep the baby, I understand, but I've thought long and hard about this and I want to keep it. I know we're young and you're on tour and I know that this'll be hard to explain to the fans but I love you and I want us to be a family." I feel Michael tense underneath me and I pull back, realizing he's gone into shock."I - I'm gonna be a dad?" A tear slips from his green eyes and he looks at me, a wide smile spreading across his face. "Are you sure?" "You're gonna be a dad!" I laugh, the tears falling down my cheeks as he grabs me and wraps me in a hug, continuing to whisper 'I'm going to have a family' in my ear.


"Hello, sir, it's very nice to meet you; you're daughter's a lovely girl." Luke shakes my father's hand quite awkwardly, looking at me nervously out of the corner of his eye. "So, you're the young man I've been hearing about." My dad chuckles, inviting Luke into the house as I hide behind the door blushing. "Daddy!" I reach out and playfully smack my father on the shoulder as he guides Luke into the dining room for dinner.I sit down and smile at Luke, inviting him to come and sit next to me. He looks at me nervously before finally sitting down and grasping my hand under the table, causing me to begin rubbing circles on the back of his hand with my thumb; it was his first time meeting my dad and I knew he was nervous.I had called him when he was on his way and reassured him the my dad was a sweet guy and everything would be okay, hoping to end some of his nerves."You've got no reason to be nervous, son. I'm not going to eat you." My dad looks at Luke before shoving a fork-full of spaghetti into his mouth. "I only eat the guys that disrespect my little girl."

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