#135 The Band Finds Out You're Dating

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Ashton: "Look at you two all cozy," Calum mentioned, gesturing to the two of you curled up on the love seat. A blanket was draped across both of your laps, your legs tossed over his as you leaned into the crook of his arm. His arm rested along the back of the couch, just above your head. "Its a scary movie, shut up." You said, shifting slightly. What the boys didn't know was that you two were romantically involved, and had been for at least a month. You were a little nervous to share your relationship with the boys though. You were close friends with all of them, and you felt a little weird admitting that you were dating Ashton. What if it created a problem, or it broke up a friendship? You and Ashton agreed it would be best to slowly work into telling them, but it was hard when you were alone to not be physical or even keep romantic gestures and sayings to yourselves. When Michael had proposed watching a scary movie, you needed someone to cuddle with out of sheer terror, and you naturally went to Ashton. "Its not even that scary!" Michael complained. "You know, you two have been awfully close lately." Luke pointed out, and suddenly you tensed. And you even noticed Ashton shift slightly. "She's scared, obviously I'm going to protect her," Ashton joked, but his voice lacked the usual carefree attitude. "Actually, now that you mention it, you two have been whispering stuff to each other and just always around each other." You tried to make yourself laugh. "We're friends! That's what friends do!" Ashton laughed along with you, squeezing your knee under the blanket. "I'm going to go get a glass of water," You said a few minutes later, as a particularly scary part of the movie began. "Wimp!" They called after you, but you flipped them the bird.The lads laughed at you, as you stuck your tongue out at them, leaving the living room and entering the kitchen. You grabbed a glass, going to the fridge to get some water, but before you could make it to the door, you felt a pair of hands grab your hips and the familiar smell of Ashton wrap around you. "Too scared?" He asked, bending down so he could speak in your ear. "Why am I watching that? Oh because four idiots are forcing me," You said, pouring the water into your glass. "Am I not doing a good enough job protecting you?" He murmured. You laughed, shaking your head. "Ash, we need to watch ou-" You were cut off when you heard Calum snicker. "Just friends, right?" He said, walking by you two to grab a bag of chips. Ashton let go of you as if you were scalding, and you almost dropped your glass. You both stammered for an excuse to give Calum, but you both gaped like fish. "We've had an idea," Calum said, opening the bag and reaching for a chip. "Why don't you two come out and explain yourselves, because you've been caught red handed." Calum smirked as he walked by you two, going towards the rest of the boys. You sighed, shaking your head, and looking at Ash. "I guess we're doing this?" You asked, placing your glass on the counter. "I guess so," He sighed, grabbing your hand and dragging you into the living room to await your fate. The boys were perched on the couch expectantly, with devilish grins etched onto their faces. You rolled your eyes, sitting down next to Ashton. "So, care to share kids?" Calum asked, still holding the bag of chips. "What's there to explain?" Ashton said, leaning back, encouraging you to do the same. "It makes sense now, the cuddling, the late texting, the 'just friends' dates." Luke said, smiling. You blushed a little; it was a little embarrassing to be caught. "How long?" Michael asked. "We kind of made it 'official' and more than friends about a month ago. But we've been seeing each other for a few months before that." Ashton drawled. "And you've hid it for this long? Why?" Luke asked. You looked up, a your heart pounding. "I guess it was just the fear of you guys finding out. I'm friends with all of you, and well I don't know how to explain it. Its like I was scared of what you guys would think, if it would cause a fight, or just upset everyone." You let out in a huff. "What she's trying to say is that we didn't want to ruin any friendships." Ashton explained, patting your knee. Almost subconsciously you placed your hand on top of his, rubbing his knuckles. "We practically knew, you two didn't hide it the best. We're not angry, or anything, really. We're happy for you two." Calum said, laughing. You breathed out a sigh of relief, and Ashton did the same, as you tossed your legs over his, and snuggled into his side. "Now that we don't have to hide," You said, making everybody laugh.

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