#73 You're Pregnant

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Luke: Three Months

You laid on the couch, watching he most recent episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. It was your favorite show and was the only thing that was on that seemed interesting. Your hand rested on your bloated belly. It didn’t even look like you had a baby bump, that you just ate a little too much of left overs. You got up, walking into the kitchen, trying to make some hot chocolate. 

You groaned as you couldn’t reach the top shelf, and you grabbed a chair and stood on top of it. You put your knees on the counter, hoping that would make some difference. You heard the front door open but you didn’t acknowledge it. You were just focused on the hot chocolate. 

"Babe! What are you doing?" You heard a familiar voice ask. You knew it was Luke. You felt his arms around your waist and pick you off of the counter and place you on your feet, on the floor. 

"Luke! Why did you do that? I was so close!" You whined. He went on the balls of his feet and grabbed the little packet and marshmallows. He handed them to you.

"What if you fell! You are carrying our baby inside of you! I couldn’t risk you getting hurt." He answered. You smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. 

"You are so cute and annoying when you’re over protective. And besides, I’m not fragile." You said. He laughed and rolled his eyes. 

"Whatever you say." He said sarcastically. You sighed and boiled the water and was about to pour the mix in when you felt arms around you, as they rested on your belly. 

"Sorry I did that before. I just really care about you and the baby." He said, as he rubbed his thumb back and forth on your bump. You smiled and kissed his cheek.

"It’s okay babe." You answered. You put your hot chocolate in a mug and went to go back to watching your TV show, as Luke joined you.

Ashton: Nine Months

You were super close to your due date, and you were getting more nervous every second. You could see that Ashton was also but he put on his best act to not make you even more nervous. You and Ashton were cuddling on the couch, watching a movie with the rest of the boys. Ashton kept kissing you lightly on your cheek, making you blush. His hand laid on your swollen stomach, rubbing his hand back and forth. 

"I’m going to go get water, okay?" You told him. He shook his head. 

"I can do it, you need to rest." He answered. You nodded and laid in his spot on the couch until he came back. He handed you your water and you gulped it down. 

A few moments later, you getting up to go to the bathroom. You had to position yourself to get up, with out pulling any muscles, that of course, weren’t already strained because of the extra weight on your body. Ashton immediately sprung up to put his hand behind your back and help you get up. 

"I got it Ash." You reassured him. He held your back and hand as you walked up the stairs. 

"Ash, I’m not glass." You said. He nodded and went to go sit back downstairs on the couch as you went to the bathroom. You went and washed your hands and walked down the steps, and to no surprise, he was already up to help you sit back down.

"Ashton, I think she can do it." Calum said, laughing a little. You nodded and he sat back down. You sat down and you could feel Ashton’s little hover hand behind your back. You rolled your eyes. 

"I felt your hands behind my back." You said, laughing a little. 

"I know, I know. Just for support." He answered. For the rest of the night, he would not let you go anywhere with out him, even to get some socks because your feet were cold. You were thankful, don’t get me wrong, but it got pretty annoying, but you still loved him. 

Michael: 9 Months

It was about a week until your due date, needless to say you were ecstatic. Although Michael on the other hand, was quite nervous. He was nervous about his parenting skills and also about your health and well being. He would never let you stay home alone. He made you keep the bathroom door open when you showered. A lot of the time, he was within ten feet of your presence. It got a little annoying but you could tell he wanted to be alert. 

You got up to get some chocolate from the fridge, as you sat in the living room, watching TV with Michael. You put your hand behind your back, to support yourself. You opened the fridge and your eyes scanned for the chocolate bar that you had saved. Your eyes snuck from behind the door and saw Michael standing in the doorway. 

"Michael, calm down, I’m fine." You reassured him. He sighed.

"But I’m just so nervous, and I’m not letting you out of my sight because what happens if you go into labor and I’m not there? I will never be able to forgive myself." He answered. You smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"I’m fine. I’m prepared… we’re prepared." You answered. He smiled and tried to hug you but your belly got in the way.

"I can’t wait to hug you normally again." He said. You smiled as he put his hands on your stomach and kissed you and than the bump.

Calum: 5 Months

You were quite big for five months. Maybe the fact that you were having twins added on weight. And because you were having two times the baby, he was two times the protective. He would try not to bring you in crowded spaces and only let you go out if it was like a super market or someones house. You were going to Ashton’s house for Christmas because he invited you and Calum, along with the boys. You got dressed up in your best sweater maternity outfit and was ready to go. You and Calum drove to Ashton’s house, talking excitedly about the babies. You both were trying forever and nothing worked. But when you found out that you were having twins, it was possibly one of the best news you had ever gotten. 

Calum pulled into the drive way and sprinted around the front of the car to help you out. You thanked him and walked up to the door and knocked and was soon greeted by Luke.

"Hey guys, come in. Ashton said that dinner will be ready in about half an hour." You greeted him back and walked inside, taking a seat on the couch and engaged a conversation with the rest of the boys. Ashton soon accompanied you guys because he had a little time in between making the food. 

"So how far along are you guys?" Michael asked.

"Five months." You answered, smiling as you absentmindedly rested your hand on your belly. All the boys looked surprised.

"Aren’t you a little big for five months?" Luke asked, in the sweetest way he could. You furrowed your eyebrows together and looked at Calum.

"You didn’t tell them?" You asked. He looked embarrassed,

"It just never came up I guess." He said sheepishly, as he scratched the back of his neck. "But surprise boys, we’re having twins!" 

All the boys looked surprised but than turned to happy. They kept talking to you about how happy they were when Michael asked if he could feel your stomach. You smiled and said yes.

"I don’t think so." Calum chuckled and took Michael’s hand off.

"What?" You said.

"What if something happens?" He whines. You laughed and rolled your eyes.

"Nothing will happen, stop being so over protective." You answered, and took Michael’s hand and placed it back on your stomach. You felt a sharp pain and he looked surprised. 

"I think one of them kicked! That felt so cool and weird!" He said. You laughed and nodded. The rest of the night was fun and the food was amazing and Calum was still as over protective as possible.

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