Murphy's Ranch

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Today I got dragged to Murphy's ranch where me and Elton have been before. We got in a line and Colby said "What's up guys it's Sam and Colby". Then Sam said "And today we are with Elton and Y/n, and we are going to hike to Murphy's ranch". I looked at Sam and said "Some may know it as a Nazi compound".

Elton nodded in agreement. Colby then said "So it starts with these people who are friends with these Germans and the Germans persuade the others that they were going to win the war and they were like 'Oh shoot let's build this compound' as they were getting ready for them to invade America". I looked at Colby and said "And well how history shows the Germans did not win the war".

Then Sam said "So before we go up to this ranch, we have just came across this small abandoned house and like we say Y/n and Elton have been here before and they said it is probably possible to get in because for some reason the door is open".

Colby looked at the camera and said "Who left the door open". I looked at Colby and said "It is probably Jeffery". Elton started laughing making me laugh and Sam said "Who's Jeffery". Elton stopped laughing and Elton said "Jeffery is the guy who Y/n named he chased us out the last time he was here".

Colby looked at us and said "Wait you got chased out". I looked at Elton and said "What we didn't tell you about this". Sam gave us a nervous giggle and said "No I don't think you did". I looked at him and said "Anyways I think we should er start walking". Me and Elton started walking with Sam and Colby following.

When we was walking down Sam, Colby and Elton were telling the viewers and I was texting Kat. Then we got to this barrier and Colby said "Guys it's okay it says scouts and I'm a boy scout of America". Elton looked at Colby and said "Wait are you". Colby looked over to him and said "Yeah but I never made it to eagle".

We started to cross the barrier and I said "Everyone unsubscribe to Colby as he never made it to eagle". Then Elton said "So I was finding more information because when me and Y/n used to come here pretty much obliviously well anyways I have found out that it was a active military base from like 1938 to like 1942".

I looked at him and said "We have been here like this is our 4th time and we have only just found this out". Then Colby said "You know we are on the right track when you see graffiti telling us to turn back". I looked at Colby and said "Yeah like you can if a place is demonic or normal by the type of graffiti that is covering the place like if it is normal graffiti like bit of ass and a bit of tits and them demonic when it is like turn back or die, Satan is around the corner".

Elton looked at me and said "Well I wouldn't have put it that way but yeah that is really true". We was walking round and then Sam pulled out his camera and said "We was walking down this road and there is this graffiti, and it says mine and Colby's name in a heart". Elton looked at Sam and said "It would be embarrassing if Y/n did it the last time we was here".

I looked at Elton and said "I don't think I could make a heart that perfect and if I had spray paint, I don't think I would waste it on doing that". Colby looked at me and said "Oh wow thanks". I looked at him and said "Colbs you know I'm joking".

Elton looked over at Colby and said "Where the fuck did your shirt go". Colby looked at Elton and said "I took it off a while ago because I was too warm, and you can just tell we aren't very fit". Then a couple of minutes later we got to the staircase that had to have at least 100 steps.

Colby looked at the stairs and said "Elton do we have to go down there we could go to like in and out instead". I looked at Elton and said "I told you they wouldn't like this part". Elton looked at me and started walking down with me following slowly behind after persuading Sam and Colby to come.

We got down the stairs and Colby said "Y/n how did you get us down here". I looked at Elton and said "Well you still have to get back up". Sam then said "Fuck I forgot about that". We laughed and went over to the Murphy ranch.

When it was in sight Colby said "Oh my god". Then Elton said "Well it has all been boarded up". I looked at him and said "Yeah it looked a lot more alive last time". Then Colby said "Oh there are also some more houses over there".

Sam started knocking on the wall and said "Is that concrete". I looked at him and said "Yeah it's proper concrete". Elton said "Y/n do you remember the way we got in last time". I looked at him and said "No I can't remember but think it was like a window".

Colby then said "There is a water pipe that leads to the house". I looked at Colby and said "Yeah that's how they got their water". We explored a little bit more and then Colby said "So that is pretty much everything around here".

Then Colby said "Y/n, Elton do you think I would be safe on the roof". Elton looked at me and said "I don't know Y/n is more likely to be walking on roofs". I looked at Colby and said "Well it held me and one of my friends at the same time so you should be alright". Colby got on the roof and said "Hey this view is quite nice". I looked at him and said "Yeah that's always been quite a nice view".

Then Sam said "Do you remember when Y/n and Colby did this to our own roof". I looked at him and said "Oh yeah when Colby nearly shit himself because a bird was so close to him". We laughed and then Colby came down.

We was walking around more and Colby said "Hey Y/n read this out loud". I looked at what Colby was looking out and said "We gonna be doing one thing and one thing only killing Nazis". Sam looked at me and said "That's a lovely inspirational quote". Elton looked and said "Yeah I'm going to put that on my Instagram bio".

Then Sam looked over at a building thing and Colby said "God this is where big Nik lives". I looked at Colby and said "Yeah I could see him living here". Then Elton said "Guys be careful homeless person could be in there". We all nodded and moved away.

We started heading back and we go to the stairs and Elton started walking up the stairs and Colby said "Is there a easier way to get up there". I looked at him and said "Sorry fellas this is our only way".

We walked up the stairs and we started the outro and Colby said "Okay guys we hope you all enjoyed this video I enjoyed it until we had to walk up the stairs and Elton didn't feel phased". I looked at the camera and said "Yeah I forgot how steep them stairs were".

Elton looked at us and said "Yeah I don't think I'm going this again". Sam looked at us and said "At least our asses are twice as fat". We looked and started laughing and then Colby said "So if you like this video like and subscribe and we will see you soon bye".

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