The McRaven House

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Today for the second video of hellweek we got dragged to Mississippi to a haunted mansion and we started to do the intro. Then Colby said "What's up guys it's Sam and Colby" and Sam said "And welcome to hell week. So today we are here with Y/n of course, Todd and Brett". I looked at Todd and Brett and said "Have you guys ever done anything haunted".

They both looked at us and shook their heads no making me say "Well you guys are in for a treat". Todd looked at me and said "The fact that you are saying that makes me worried". Brett then said "I haven't really looked for the haunted but there was a time where I had a paranormal experience I have ever had is when I was a kid, so I don't really remember".

We got introduced to the tour guide Michael and he told us some information and then took us to the front garden. He said "So in here civil war times this house was up in that time so as a result of that there's about 300 men under us and you know how the ground is very soft". We all started to test the ground.

Colby then said "Why is it so bouncy". Michael looked at us and said "Well the soil around this house erodes quicker than you would think so now and then those guys pop out of the mud". I looked at Michael and said "Well that is really unsettling". Sam then said "That is like a zombie movie".

We was walking and Colby said "To the guys under there I'm very sorry but I want to get over there". We got over to some leaves and Michael passes me something. Not paying attention I take it off him. Brett looked at me and said "Y/n do you know what he has just gave you". I looked down to what he has gave me.

When I looked down, I said "Is that a fucking bone". Michael looked at me and said "Yeah it is one that I have just found". I looked at the bone and once I processed it I gave it to Sam while saying "Yeah I don't think I want to touch that anymore". We examined the bone for a bit longer then we went inside.

Michael was starting to walk up the stairs and I said "I don't know whether we should trust these stairs". Michael looked at us and said "Don't worry guys these stairs are safe". Then we started to go up the stairs when Todd said "Brett watch your head". We all started laughing until we got to this room, and I instantly felt uneasy.

Then Sam said "Dude this just definitely screams haunted". Colby looks at me and said "You can tell this is scary as hell when Y/n goes quiet and looks uncomfortable". Todd looked at Michael and said "Is this all original". Michael looked at him and said "Yeah original brick and plaster". I looked around and said "Yeah I definitely feel horrible in here".

The Michael said "So originally this was going to be a hid out place for a man named Andrew Glass". I then shivered and Colby said "There is something up with that guy because he has made Y/n shiver". I looked at him and said "That name gives me the chills". Then Michael carries on "So Andrew got shot during a robbery and he manages to get back to his house where he tries to patch himself up but passes out and that is when his wife Mary finds him, Mary had a suspicion that Andrew was cheating on her so when she finds him, she takes one of his razor blades and slits his throat".

I looked at him and said "Well if I was in the position, I think I would do the same". Sam looked at me with wide eyes and said "Guys remind me not to cheat on Katrina because Y/n might slit my throat". I looked at him and said "Don't worry Katrina is my main bitch so if you cheat on her I will not be only slitting your throat". Sam looked at me and said "Okay I'm scared of her now" making us all laugh.

Then Michael said "So we have 3 women here who work here and none of them will come up here on their own because Andrew freaks them out". Colby then said "So now we know why Y/n felt quite bad in here". Then Michael carried on "We have also had a few things being stolen because he is of course he was a great robber". He told us a little bit more and then we went to another room.

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