Devyn Got Kidnapped

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894 words

I was editing one of Elton's videos when Devyn knocked on the door while coming in. I look at her and said "What's up Dev". She looked at me and said "So we are going to prank Corey saying that I have been kidnapped". I looked at Devyn and said "Okay I won't say anything". Devyn looked at me and said "Oh thanks girl"

I looked at Devyn and "No problem at all". About 10 minutes later Colby came into my room and said "Y/n can you come downstairs for a second". I looked at him and said "Yeah sure". I walked downstairs and Corey said "Y/n have you seen Devyn anywhere". I looked at him and said "No I haven't seen her at all today actually".

Corey looked at me and said "Well can you help us find her". I looked at him and said "Yeah sure, Elton can I talk to you alone for a second". Elton looked at me and said "Yeah sure give us a second guys". They all nodded but also still looking for Devyn. I looked at Elton and said "Are you filming to get Corey's reaction".

Elton looked at me and said "That is exactly why I'm recording". I looked at him and said "Well before I got interrupted, I was trying to edit on of your videos and I got called down so I will finish editing when this prank is finished". Elton looked at me and said "That's perfectly fine".

Then we went back to the rest. I looked at Corey and said "Have you found Devyn yet". Corey looked at me and said "Y/n I don't know where she is and I'm scared for her". I looked at him and said "Do you want a little hug Corey". He looked at me and slightly nodded so I gave him, and hug and he said "Okay let's get back to finding Devyn".

Then Circa started barking. Colby looked at me and said "Wait what is she barking at". I looked at Colby and said "Well it looks like she is barking at that window over there". Elton then said "Is someone outside". I looked and said "I don't know but she keeps barking at the window".

Me and Colby then looked at the storage shelves and saw Devyn then I whispered, "So that is where she is". Elton gave us a be quiet face and we looked back over to Corey. Then Elton said "Are you sure she isn't outside". Sam looked at Elton said "I locked the door and I don't want to go back outside".

Then Elton said "I just think this is so ridiculous that we can't find her". Then I said "Corey maybe we should go look for her on the street because that is the only place we haven't looked". That is exact thing we did. We walked outside and Elton said "Have you tried to facetime her". Corey then tried to facetime her, and she didn't answer. I looked at Corey and said "Try facetime her again".

She answered but it immediately ended. Then Corey started crying Colby said "Bro are you crying". Corey looked at him and said "Yeah because like she answered but then it immediately ended like someone ended it". I looked at Corey while patting his shoulder and said "Don't worry Corey, we will find her".

Then Corey said "If none of you guys are in on this then I'm calling the cops". I looked at Corey and said "That is a good idea, but you can't report a missing person until like 24 hours after". Corey opened the gate and said "Baby where are you". I looked at Elton and whispered to him "I feel bad he is like full on crying".

Elton looked at me and said "I feel a little bad but at least we know his weakness". We then shut up when Corey said "Guys what do I do". Then Sam kept screaming for Devyn. I looked at Corey and said "I'm not sure what you should do but we can't call the cops". Corey then said "No I'm calling 911 bro".

I mentally slapped my forehead when Elton said "Before we call the cops lets have one more check of the house". We went back inside and at this point Corey's face was red from crying. Then Devyn came walking down the stairs and said "Corey why are you crying". Corey looked at her for a moment to process and said "Where the fuck were you".

Devyn looked at Corey and said "You guys went passed me about 20 times I was scared you was going to see me". I looked at Corey and said "You can tell when Colby knows it is a prank because he gives you this 'are you serious' look".

Colby looked at me and said "Yeah I was like oh Devyn is right there". Corey looked at Devyn and said "I'm just glad it was a prank". Sam looked at Devyn and said "Yeah I think Y/n had to give Corey a reassuring hug every 2 minutes".

Devyn laughed and then said "Well Corey welcome to the prank wars". I look at the camera and said "Well everyone go comment team Devyn and while I'm here I might as well end Corey's video so like, subscribe and have a great rest of your day see ya".

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