Roommates answer your assumptions

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Today Sam wanted all the roommates to answer his fans assumptions so we did. We all sat down as Aaron, Corey, Sam, Jake , me, Navi and then Colby. Sam turned his camera on and said "What's up guys welcome to another video we have all the roommates". Corey looked at everyone and said "Lets tell them".

Aaron looked at the camera and said "We're gay". I looked at Aaron and said "Are we?". Sam looked at me and said "No but we are answering the fans assumptions". I looked at him and said "And this is for the whole house". Sam looked at me and said "Yeah I asked on Instagram to ask us some questions so lets get started".

Corey looked at me and said "I'm nervous". I looked at him and said "Me too". Sam looked at us and said "So about half of our fans said that Y/n and Colby are actually dating but haven't told any of the roommates". Aaron looked at Colby and I while saying "Guys is this true like is Y/S/N sailing".

Corey looked at us and said "Y/n, Colby is there something you guys want to tell us". Colby looked at the guys and said "Guys I think we should tell you". The guys looked at us and I said "That we are not dating". Jake looked at the camera and said "They are not dating yet". I looked at Sam and said "Lets just look at another one".

Sam looked at his phone and said "Someone has said you guys are faking your videos none of them". Jake looked at the camera and said "Whenever we do a prank on Y/n she doesn't react". I looked at Jake and said "Well when I get pranked I just don't give two shits". Colby looked at the camera and said "That's why she helps us on pranks".

Aaron looked at us and said "But how do you fake putting Icey hot on someone". Sam looked at us and said "Besides if someone is about to prank us and we see it coming we pretend not to know that it is happening so their prank isn't ruined". I looked at the camera and said "I try but yeah I end up like not reacting".

Sam looked at his phone and said "Someone said Colby still doesn't wash his dishes to this day". Aaron looked at us and said "That is true he leaves it all to Y/n". I looked at Colby and said "You need to wash you dishes bitch". Colby looked at us and said "In my defence no one uses the dish washer". 

Sam looked at us and said "Aw this one is sweet someone said I bet you all have had the best memories in the traphouse". I looked at the camera and said "There has been some unforgettable memories in this house that I have got to share with my favourite boys in the whole wide world".

Colby looked at me and said "Okay that is the nicest thing you have said to us this week". I looked at Colby and said "Excuse me I can be nice when I want to". Corey looked at us and said "But yeah we have had some crazy memories in this house". Sam looked at us and said "Okay someone said I feel like Corey is the one that gets mad the easiest and Jake is the calmest".

Jake looked at us and said "I'm chill but like I feel like if I do get mad it's always at Colby". Sam looked at the camera and said "Colby pushes everyone's buttons especially Y/n". I looked at the camera and said "I'll tell you something Colby did and it really pissed me off so the other day I was talking to my parents and Colby comes in sits on my bed and does the loudest moan I have ever heard in my life and my parents were like what the fuck are you doing so I put the phone down and I was really pissed off".

Colby looked at the camera and said "Yeah Y/n was really pissed off". Sam looked at his phone and said "The next one is you all have this freaky sexual connection". Aaron looked at the camera and said "We don't but Y/n and Colby definitely do". Colby looked at them and said "Was it that video".

I looked at them and said "If it is it was only one video". Sam looked at his phone again and said "This one says I feel like Jake gets on your guys nerves". Colby looked at the camera and said "That is very true". I looked at the camera and said "Well yeah but Colby is like the master of getting on my nerves".

Corey looked at the camera and said "Y/n and Colby can argue like an old married couple". Jake looked at him and said "That is so true". Sam looked at his phone and said "This says I think Sam lowkey hates Jake". I looked at Sam and said "Well do you". Sam looked at me and said "No Jake is my gym buddy".

Jake looked at him and said "Nice to know that isn't true". I looked at the camera and said "You heard it here folks Sam in fact does not hate Jake". Sam looked at his phone and said "This one says Sam is the only one that is different on camera". I looked at the camera and said "Well I feel like everyone is different off camera because on camera we just have more energy".

Colby looked at me and said "Yeah we all have more energy on camera". Jake looked at the camera and said "Especially Sam he is fake". Sam looked at Jake and said "Yeah I'm the fakest person ever". Then the girls made a noise and Corey said "Shut the fuck up we are filming my god".

Sam then said "Someone said Elton doesn't talk to you guys anymore". Colby looked at the camera and said "That is a big lie and plus he is Y/n's brother". I looked at the camera and said "Yeah like every night at like 9 PM I get a text off Elton and he says has Colby flirted with you today".

Aaron looked at me and said "Does he actually ask that". I looked at Aaron and said "I was surprised when he first texted it but now I'm used to it". Jake looked at the camera and said "But yes we are all still friends with Elton". Sam then said "I think you all are happy about moving out of the Traphouse".

I looked at the camera and said "I'm not going to lie I'm buzzing because it wont be like I'm living with children but at the same time I think I'm going to miss not living in the same house as you all". Jake looked at me and said "I agree". Aaron looked at us and said "I was watching old videos". 

Sam looked at him and said "We know we could hear you crying". I looked at the camera and said "I have never heard a louder cry than then". Aaron looked at us and said "Yeah I was crying a lot". Sam said "The next one is Colby can defo hear Sam and Kat doing the dirty". Colby looked at the camera and said "Your so bright it's true and then I bring Y/n in my room so I'm not the only one getting traumatised".

I looked at Colby and said "I wish you wouldn't do that as well". Corey looked at us and said "Wait I thought you was joking". I looked at Corey and said "No it's traumatising". Colby then added to what I said "And it pisses us off". Jake looked at us and said "I wouldn't mind hearing it".

I looked at Jake and said "Well that's a little bit weird". Corey looked at us and said "Well guys I'm waiting till marriage". Sam looked at his phone and said "I feel like there is always someone on the penny board". I looked at the camera and said "That's true but it's never me but Griffin is doing it right now".

Sam then said "Someone thinks we film through the day and party at night". I looked at the camera and said "That is true". Colby looked at me and said "Mostly when we are partying you are asleep". I looked at Colby and said "Excuse me I need my beauty sleep but when I am awake we have the best parties in LA".

Corey looked at us and said "Yeah it's lit". Sam then said "You guys are rich". Colby looked at us and said "Well it depends on what you mean by rich". I looked at the camera and said "Well I'm sure if you put all of our money together we would be rich". Aaron looked at me and said "Oh definitely".

Sam looked at us and said "The last one is someone said you guys never use the pool in your free time". Colby looked at the camera and said "I think Y/n is actually the only person who actually uses it". I looked at the camera and said "Well someone has to". Then Sam said "Right guys this is the end of the video like subscribe and we will see you soon bye".        

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