Spike Island

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Today Sam and Colby dragged us to Ireland. We got there and Colby said "What's up guys its Sam and Colby and today we are in Spikes Island in Ireland with Y/n and her new children George not found and Wilbur Soot".

We was going towards the building and we found a cannon and George climbed on top and Colby was looking inside the cannon and George said "Come on Colby mount my cannon". Colby then said "Yeah dude I'm trying".

Then Sam pointed the camera towards me and said "Y/n what do you have to say about this". I looked at the camera and said "If you want to see more videos like George and Colby fucking each other go on over to xplr club".

The Wilbur walked over to us and said "Yeah my massive man hood is on there". Sam then said "Yeah because that's how we get half of our views". We all giggled then made out way towards the main entrance.

Sam looked at George and Wilbur and said "So guys how much would you guys say you believe". George looked at Sam and said "I don't know but if I had to say probably like a 5.5". Then I said "So if you get touched would you believe more".

Colby looked at me pulled me into a half hug and said "Y/n your so funny". I looked at him and said "What I'm being serious". Then Wilbur said "I'd say I'm about a 2 but if something touches me it would be a 10".

Then Wilbur started again "The person who dropped us off and said that someone felt a stroke at the bottom of their head and heard a skkk". Colby looked at me and said "Didn't you say when you was at the Stanley that you felt and heard the same thing".

I looked Colby and said "Oh yeah". Then Sam said "Wherever we go when we are with you everything goes back to your time at the Stanley". Wilbur looks at me and said "Well our tour guide is here, and we should start because I'm definitely not scared".

The guide took us inside and Colby said "Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking". I looked at him and said "I don't even know where you want me to look". Colby took a hold of my shoulders and turned me to where he was looking, and I said "Oh well you guys can get your photo with it I'll be your amazing photographer".

They all stood next to each other, and I took the picture while saying "You all are like 5'11 and then we have Wilbur who is like 3 inches taller than you all". I was silent and still with Colby's phone and Colby must have known I was up to something because he walked up to me and said "Y/n what are you up to".

I showed Colby what I did on his phone, and I said "So I went onto the Sam and Colby Instagram and posted the video with the caption of 'Well it's best to say we are at it again' it's the best caption I've ever seen". George looked at us and said "You can't lie it's a amazing caption".

We all laughed and went inside. Karl our guide was telling us about some information with his co-worker. Then Colby said "Is this a good place for ghosts". Karl looked at us and said "Well if you believe in ghosts yeah this is the place".

Colby looked at Karl and said "Yeah we are all believers". Wilbur looked at Colby with a 'what' face and I said "Well some more than others". Then Karl said "I was a sceptic before I worked here and now, I definitely believe".

Karl told us we could go in and George knocked on the door and Colby grabbed my hand so tight and said "Shit that scared me". Sam then said "Yeah Colby you a bit jumpy today and grabby onto Y/ns hand".

He took us in and said "So we have these jackets so it's harder for us to lose y'all". Everyone put the jacket on George also put the hat on. Then I said "I would put the hat on, but I know that it will mess my hair up". Sam looked at the camera and said "Y/n is more bothered about her hair".

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