Unboxing haunted objects

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Today Sam wanted Me, Colby, Jake and Reggie to unbox haunted objects. Sam turned the camera on and said "What's up guys welcome back to the channel today we have Jake, Colby, Y/n and Reggie and we are going to be unboxing haunted objects". Colby looked at the camera and said "And Y/n is the only one who is excited for this".

I looked at Colby and said "I'm excited because I love haunted shit". Jake looked at the camera and said "Y/n is the only person who would get haunted by a demon and be happy about it". I looked at Sam and said "Do you even remember what you ordered". Sam looked at me and said "I have no fucking clue but its going to be a great surprise and Y/n we have the best for you which will be last". 

I looked at Sam and said "Okay now I'm scared". Sam looked at us and said "Okay we will start with Jake". Jake started to stab the box and I said "Okay if that is a possessed doll the doll is definitely going to be mad". Sam looked at me and said "I was just thinking that". Jake opened the top of the box and said "Y/n what is it I can't look".

I looked at the box and said "Oh shit okay". Reggie looked at the camera and said "Okay so its bad". I looked at the guys and said "Well you guys could say its bad". Jake looked and said "Sam if this is a baby child doll I'm going to be pissed". Jake opened the box fully revealing a teddy with a old Victorian like dress.

Sam looked at us and said "Ew I don't remember buying this at all". Colby looked at us and said "What is that". I looked at Colby and said "I think its like a haunted teddy and it looks really cute". Jake passed the teddy over to Sam and said "It literally smells like death". Sam passed it to Colby and said "Ew it smells like my grandma's house".

Colby passed it to me and said "That's gross". I passed it to Reggie and said "The teddy is cute but the sent doesn't do shit for it". Sam looked at Reggie and said "Yeah smell its ass". Reggie did that and coughed. I looked at the camera and said "The ass probably smells worse than the teddy itself".

Colby picked the teddy back up and I said "Does it have a name". Jake looked at me and said "Companies name teddies". I looked at him and said "Well some do". Colby read the tag and said "Okay so it says Miss Sallie bearley". Sam looked at me and said "Do you have any vibes off this creepy bear".

I looked at him and said "Okay so I don't think its like possessed haunted but I feel like there is something behind it". Colby looked at us and said "Plus it smells haunted". Jake looked at us and said "I'm not going to lie its terrifying". Sam looked at me and said "Y/n are you feeling up to looking after this". 

I looked at Sam and said "Sure". Colby looked at me and said "Put it on your lap like its your child". I put the bear on my lap and Reggie said "That is even creepier now". Sam looked at us and said "I don't remember buying it so that must be the mystery box". Reggie looked at us and said "It literally smelt like it got pulled out of a coffin and Y/n I don't know how you are keeping it on your lap".

Jake looked at the camera and said "Watch Y/n have now another child attached to her". Reggie looked at me and said "Wait why does it have a walking stick". I looked at Reggie and said "I don't know but I agree that's weird". Sam looked at us and said "Looks like we have a defensive doll now".

Sam got the next box and said "Y/n guess what this is". I looked at Sam and said "That is definitely a ouija board". Jake looked at me and said "No its definitely a Nick Jonas poster". I looked at Jake and said "Well it could be". Sam opened the box and said "Y/n you was right its a ouija board".

Colby looked at us and said "And that looks like a legit one". I looked at the camera and said "That is definitely a legit one". Sam looked at us and said "A wooden handmade ouija board". I looked at Sam and said "Is that a original one by William whatever his last name is". Sam looked at me and said "Yes this a original one".

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