Chapter 2

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I barely managed to make it to my first class on time. When I walked in the door I was immediately smacked across the face, Angelica the school queen was standing in front of me. "Bitch you stay away from my guy" I just nodded and made my way to the last seat in the back row- it wasn't my fault him and his group had found me yesterday.

I stared at my desk listening to my fellow classmates, all of a sudden, the door was slammed, and I looked up quickly in walked a very good-looking man. He cleared his throat "seems Ms. Snap is out sick; I'll be your substitute my name is Mr. Sharp. Let's start with Attendance" "Angelica" "Robert" "Cassidy" "Rose, anybody know if Rose is here?" I looked up and raised my hand. "Are you Rose?" I nodded and put my head back down, he continued on and then announced he would be passing out a worksheet for us to complete and hand in before the end of class.

He grabbed a stack of papers from the desk and slowly made his way around the room, when he got to my desk he stopped and bent down. I started shaking, thinking I had already done something to make him mad and he would hit me even if we were in a class full of other students. I heard Mr. Sharp take in a sharp breath, 'Sweetie are you okay?" I just nodded and grabbed the paper he held out. "If you need anything at all you let me know, okay?" I nodded my head once and he quickly stood up and walked back to the teacher's desk.

When the bell rang, I quickly gathered my belongings and went to drop my worksheet off at the desk. "Rose, can I speak to you please?" I froze and just started shaking. He got up and came over to me bending down, he grabbed my chin and raised my face, so I had to look at him. "Is everything okay?" I just looked at him confused and nodded. He sighed "if it's not you can always ask for help, it's okay to need help" I nodded again and then scampered out the classroom door.

Soon the last bell rang, I exhaled, I survived another day at this place called school. I quickly scampered off towards the place that my lovely sperm donor and his new "lady friend" lived, I would never call it my home and we never stayed in one place long enough anyways.

As soon as I turned the corner, I sighed they weren't home, that meant I had some time to get my homework done before I tried to find something to cook for dinner for them, my stomach grumbled at the thought of food I just patted it and thought maybe today I may get to eat something.

I walked into the house and made my way to my "room" it is just the broom closet anyways, but it was a small space that was at least mine, the last place we had been only had one room and I had been forced to sleep on the floor in the laundry room, at least here I had gotten someplace with a door.

I had been working on my homework for about an hour when I heard banging on the door and someone shouting, I couldn't make out what was said but I quickly put down my homework and curled into a ball on top of the thin mattress, I really wish I had a blanket to hide under at this moment.

I heard the front door being busted in and then I Heard "Police come out with your hands up we have a search warrant" I started trembling and I couldn't breathe, I didn't know what was happening and I had always been told to never listen to the police, they would never believe me if I said anything to them.

My door was yanked open, and I heard a gasp "sergeant there's a child in here" then I welcomed the darkness.  

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