Chapter 30

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"We just received custody of her, She's Josh and I's little sister. Cali, Baby, can you say hi?" Abbie tried to turn me around on her lap, but I gripped her shirt as tight as I could so that she couldn't turn me around. Abbie started patting my back, "It's okay baby girl, Stephanie is our neighbor, she would love to be able to say hi to you." I just nuzzled into Abbie's neck, I didn't want to meet anyone, even if they were nice. Abbie sighed, "Just give her a minute Stephanie, she needs a moment. Let's keep catching up, where were we?" I tuned Abbie and Stephanie out; I didn't want to get in trouble for listening to them.

Just as I was thinking where Gabby had gone, I heard her voice, "Hey, teas ready in the dining room, oh, Cali's up, Hi baby girl." I turned to look at her, and gave her a small smile, I'm glad she hadn't left. Abbie stood up with me in her arms, "Alright let's go get some tea." Abbie set me on her hip, and I looked over her shoulder to see Stephanie right behind us, when she noticed I was looking at her she gave me a smile. I quickly buried my face in Abbie's shoulder, I didn't want her to see me.

"So, Abbie, how long have you all had her, how old is she?" Abbie laughed "Nosy much Stephanie? We got a call a few weeks ago, they had found her while executing a search warrant, No one is really sure how old she is, but she's also not talking to anyone either." "Aww, why isn't she talking? Have you taken her to a therapist? I know your history and if she was in the same situation.... I can only imagine the trauma she must have." "Yeah, we are trying to get her used to us and trying to get her to understand we won't leave her, once she's settled a little more, we will try to discuss with her about a therapist."

Abbie approached the dining room and sat down settling me down on her lap. "Hey Cali, are you hungry?" I looked up at Abbie then thought for a minute, I wasn't really hungry, I think I've had more food in the last few days, then I have had for as long as I've been alive. I shook my head no, then turned myself in Abbie's lap so I was facing the table, I brought teddies up to my lap, then snuggled back into Abbie. She wrapped her arms around me, "Okay Baby, if you get hungry let me know." Stephanie took the seat to Abbie's left and Gabby came and sat down on Abbie's right. "Poor Child." I heard Stephanie say.

I looked at the table and noticed a lot of fruit and some crackers and cheese, there were also some teacups, I guess that's what tea was then. I had learned in the last few days that I really like fruit, I wonder if I could have just a little even though I wasn't hungry. Gabby must have noticed me staring at the fruit because the next thing I know, A plate of fruit was set in front of me, "Here Cali, I know you said you weren't hungry but just in case you want a little snack." I smiled at Gabby and nodded my head.

I ate a little bit of the fruit while they were all talking, I asn't really listening as I was focused on my fruit. All of a sudden, Abbie stood up, "Thanks so much for coming Stephanie, we will have to catch up more tomorrow." Stephanie looked at me, "It was very nice to meet you Cali, hopefully I'll see you soon." She waved at me then headed for the door, Abbie set me back on her hip, don't they know I can walk? "Alright baby how about we take you up to your room and you play for a little bit before Josh and Jordan come back, then we will have dinner."

Once I was back in my room and Abbie had set me down, Her and Gabby left with a parting to go "Play" Didn't they know I don't play? All well I would go hang out in my tent for a while I guess. I made my way over to my tent and climbed inside, I laid down on the pile of pillows and blankets and stared up at the top of the tent, I guess I'm still trying to wrap my head over the fact that I'm not getting beat every day, and that I actually have people that care for me, I think at least.

I must have sat there for a while because Josh was coming into my room, he looked around before spotting me and giving me a big smile. "Hi baby, heard you had a busy day." He paused and looked at me, I nodded then started crawling out of my tent. He chuckled "How about we go get some dinner uh, baby?" I nodded and went to stand up. Josh immediately grabbed me and settled me on his hip, I let out a small gasp, I wasn't expecting him to pick me up. Josh bounced me up and down "Did I surprise you baby?" I nodded and clutched his shirt. "Aww, sorry baby, I don't want you to hurt yourself trying to go down the stairs, your much safer if I carry you."

When we walked into the dining room, I noticed the seat I had picked out was set in the seat that they had put me in the first time I had been in the dining room, "Oh Cali, did you pick out that awesome looking booster seat." I nodded and pointed to it, was I going to be able to sit in it? My question was answered when Josh approached the chair and set me down in it, he did up the buckles, then pushed the chair into the table, I could actually see the table! Abby and Gabby walked into the room next, "Oh good, I stopped by Cali's room and couldn't find her, was hoping you had grabbed her Josh."

Jordan came into the room next, "Oh good you found her, I was a little concerned we would have to send out a search party." Josh looked at all of them with a strange look, "You mean none of you were actually watching her on the baby monitor?" "Well, you see Josh, it was on, but also we were talking, and I wasn't glued to the monitor." Josh just shook his head, "We will talk about that later. For now, let's just eat, I need to discuss tomorrow with you all."

Chef Fred came in the doors and set plates down in front of everyone, when he got to me, I noticed I had a pony plate and it had mac and cheese and fruit on it. He set down a sippy cup with ponies on it, that I remember picking out at the store today, I wonder if the plate came from the store today as well. "Thank you, Chef Fred, looks amazing as always." Chef Fred nodded and walked back into the kitchen. "Alright Josh, what is the plan for tomorrow and why do we need to discuss it." Josh looked over at me, "Well, I called the doctor today and she has an appointment for tomorrow morning, I'm hoping she will still be half asleep, so she doesn't freak out too much, we are hoping she has gained some weight and I want to discuss with the doctor what else would be beneficial to help her gain the weight she needs to."

I froze, the first bite I was going to take, frozen in mid-air, no more doctors, I didn't want to go back to the doctor. Abbie was sitting next to me and was quick to grab my spoon and set it down on my plate, then started rubbing my back, "Cali, it's okay, it's just a check-up, they want to see how much you have improved just by being with us." Abbie tried to convince me to eat, but my appetite was gone, I couldn't eat. Abbie I guess knew I wasn't going to eat anything, because once she was done with her food, she picked me up out of the booster seat, "Alright baby, let's go get a bath, and ready for bed, then you can have your teddies back."

Thank you so much for reading my story, I'm so shocked that so many people have read my story! 

This Chapter is much longer! sorry for the other short chapters though! 

So they are going to head to the doctor, oh no! 

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