Chapter 19

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The week went by super-fast, we mostly hung out at the pool or wandered around the town, Josh and Abbie didn't attempt to put me back in the car thank goodness, I mostly just let them do whatever while I watched... I was afraid to do anything without them telling me to do it, they hadn't hurt me yet, but I was waiting until we were alone and there wasn't anyone else around to maybe believe the words, they kept telling me, that they wouldn't hurt me.

"Good morning, Cali, it's time to rise and shine baby." I felt someone lifting me out of the crib and I managed to grip teddy tightly so that I didn't drop him, I snuggled into who smelled like Abbie's neck. "Oh, I know sweet girl you're so tired, we've got to get ready to finally head home today." I refused to open my eyes, but I did feel myself being laid down on the bed. I heard the door open, "aww she's a sleepy baby today." Abbie chuckled "Yeah she doesn't want to open her eyes." "Should we put a diaper or pull-up on her for the plane ride home?" I'd go with a diaper; we don't know how frequently we will be able to run her to the bathroom." "Good idea Josh, diaper it is."

I didn't open my eyes until I was picked back up after my diaper had been changed. Once I blinked my eyes open, I noticed all of the bags that had been all over the room were gone and the only thing left in the room was the bag that had my diapers and pull-ups in it, which Josh was closing and picked up then put over his shoulder, ourselves and my teddy of course. Abbie was rubbing circles on my back, and it felt so amazing I cuddled closer into her chest. "Alright we've got everything let's head down to the car so we can get to the airport on time." I didn't really take notice of what she had said and just let my body relax, I felt Abbie start walking while I closed my eyes again... I'd just close them for a little bit longer.

When I awoke again later it was because I heard lots of loud noise and I didn't like it. I started whining and went to reach my hands up to rub my eyes, "Shhhh its alright Cali." I heard Abbie cooing and I felt Josh's hand grab my arm, "Let's not rub our eyes, here baby I'll get your sleepy's out of your eyes for you." I felt a wet wipe run across my face and I squirmed as it was cold. "Oh, I know, you don't like that, but it's alright I'm all done now." I blinked my eyes open and looked around, as soon as I saw my surroundings, I burrowed my face into Josh's neck since he was the one holding me. I brought teddy up to block the little bit of light I could still see through the little gap. "Oh, I know there's so much going on right now, we will be through security in just a little bit then we will go find somewhere quiet to hang out until we can board the flight."

I started silently crying, trying not to let Abbie or Josh see that I was crying, I didn't want them to know. I heard Abbie sigh softly, "Here Josh let me take her for a minute." Josh handed me over to Abbie and started bouncing me up and down, "Shhh, I know baby give us ten minutes to get through security then we will get you some breakfast and find a nice quiet place to relax until we can board."

Once we made it through security, someone may have pitched a small fit about having to walk through the scanner by herself, but I will neither confirm nor deny that. Abbie picked me back up and started walking down a very crowded hallway. "Josh, do you think we can utilize that first class lounge today? If I remember correctly, we can order some food in there and its quieter than staying out here with everyone else." I side-eyed Josh and saw him nod, "Yeah we can head over there, and I'll see if there's a possibility of them allowing us to get on the plane first, I think she may do better if we can get her seated before everyone else starts trying to rush into their seats." Abbie nodded her head and then walked into a pretty quiet hallway, we came into an area where there was a desk with a lady sitting behind it, "Hello there, can I see your boarding passes please?" I immediately jumped when she spoke and turned my head into Abbies shoulder. Abbie started rubbing my back as I heard Josh digging into his pockets. "Here's our boarding passes and I also wanted to ask if there was a way to ask the flight attendants if we could possibly board first, it's the baby's first time flying, and she hasn't really been doing well with changes lately." I heard some whispered conversation for a moment between the lady and Josh. "Alright everything is good here, here's your passes back if you want to head on in and get some food and relaxation and I'll call over to the desk your flight is leaving from and find out for you." "Thank you so much ma'am, you have a great rest of your day."

Once we entered into the room, it was pretty big and there was only a few older people in the room, they seemed to give a strange look over to our little group, Abbie gave them a soft smile, then turned to head to a corner on the far side of the room, setting me down on the couch she turned to look at Josh, "Can you head over to the counter and get some food? Just something light in case her stomach can't handle the take-off and landing." "Of course, do you want anything?" Abbie gave a quick glance at the menu that was sitting on the table, "I'll just take some pancakes please." Josh laughed "Of course, I'll be right back."

Josh headed back after he ordered food, it wasn't too long of a wait until someone approached the table with some plates of food. "Thank you very much." Josh grabbed the empty plate they had put down, then cut some pancakes from one plate, and handed the rest to Abbie, then took some eggs and a small piece of meat it looked like, then cut it all up and set it in front of me with a fork. "Here you are baby, a little bit of stuff for you to try." I took a small piece of the mystery meat and put it in my mouth, as soon as I tasted it, I grabbed the rest with my hands from the plate. Abbie put her hand over her mouth as she started laughing and Josh looked at me, "Cali, sweetie don't put all that in your mouth at once, I can give you more if you like the bacon that much." oh it was bacon.... I put the handfuls I had taken back to my plate and nodded, eyeing the bacon that was still on Josh's plate. Josh laughed and then put the bacon on the side of his plate, "Can you try some pancake and egg for me please first, but don't worry I will save the bacon for you."

Once we were done eating, I managed to take a few bites of egg, a bite of pancake and then I finished off all the bacon that Josh had given me before I pushed the plate away from me. Abbie grabbed a wipe from my bag and wiped off my hand and face much to my displeasure. The lady we had seen when we came into the room approached the table, "Your flight is ready for you to board, they gave the okay for you to board first." "Oh, great thank you, alright let's go girls."

  Sorry for the delay everyone, busy week! 

I hope everyone is taking care of themselves and drinking lots of water! 

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