Chapter 10

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I'd been in my building for I think a whole week, I was so cold all the time and couldn't get warm. I had eaten all the food I had been able to find hoping that if I had food in me, I could stay warm, wasn't really working though. I knew my feeding tube was infected because my stomach was all red and swollen around the tube. I spent most of my days curled up in the chair with the Jacket and the blanket over me. I knew I wouldn't be able to make it too much longer, but I wasn't going to ask for help from anyone, no one ever paid attention or listened to me anyways.

I noticed that the sun was shining in the window, so I climbed out of my chair and made my way to the windowsill, I climbed up on to the windowsill and curled up, the sun felt great against my body. I was so tired I could take a little nap and it wouldn't hurt right?

Somewhere in my subconscious mind I could feel myself being moved but I was so tired, and I felt so warm, I couldn't be bothered to open my eyes, but I did feel so warm, and I snuggled into the warmth a little more. I knew I was dreaming no one would ever care for me or even be upset if I died. I distantly heard something being shut then I felt like I was moving, what a weird sensation, I wasn't quite sure if I was still dreaming or not, but I really couldn't be bothered to wake up, I felt like I couldn't anyways.

I stretched out and felt amazing, sleeping in the sun had warmed me up so much, I slowly blinked open my eyes and was instantly wishing I could go back to sleep somehow, I was back in the bed from the hospital, in the same white room from before and I could see the same I.V. in my hand again and the same stickers on my chest from before as well. I was back in the white dress again and I could feel that I had a diaper on again.

I looked off to the side and jumped a little when I saw a lady sleeping in the chair at the side of the bed, she had the same reddish hair that mine was although hers seemed to be a little lighter.

As I was watching her, I heard the door to the room being opened and I whipped my head over to the door, I watched as a man came walking in the door, he was so tall and he had reddish hair as well, why did these two have the same hair as me? When he noticed I was awake and watching him, he smiled at me and I could see that he had green eyes, they were so pretty unlike my blue ones. "Hi, their Rose" I turned my head sideways to look at him, how did he know my name. "My name is Josh, and I'm so happy we finally found you, you managed to make it pretty far away before we found you baby" Before I could get too worked up, he looked behind me, and I immediately turned around, the lady from before was waking up and she noticed me and gave me a soft smile, I noticed she had the same blue eyes that I did, "Hi sweetie my name is Abbie, we are so excited to have found you"

I made myself super small in the bed and tried to watch both of them at the same time. Abbie seemed to realize I was a little afraid because she called to josh "Josh come stand by me" Josh walked around went and stood by the chair Abbie was in. Abbie reached over and grabbed my hand, I jumped and tried to pull my hand from her, she clutched tighter "It's okay baby we won't hurt you, we are going to take care of you from now on" I could feel my mind starting to go all foggy, and I started breathing heavily, I couldn't feel my teddy and I didn't remember the other thing Suzanne had told me to do, I distantly heard "Abbie let go she's having a panic attack, where's that teddy she was brought in with?" I heard running footsteps and then teddy was shoved into my arms, I did a huge intake of breath and then collapsed back into the bed and my eyes shut involuntarily, but I still managed to squeeze teddy, I was never letting teddy go again.  

Two Chapters in one day! hope you guys are enjoying! 

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