Chapter 63

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We headed downstairs after breakfast and got to say bye to Cinderella. When we got outside daddy went and grabbed the stroller, "Already, since we are already back here, let's do all the rides in fantasy land." Mama quickly said "Let's do peter pan first, I bet she will love it!" "Alright everyone, lets head over to Peter Pan then." Daddy started heading away from us, Mommy was holding my hand, and I looked up at her, "Go, Go, Mommy." Mommy laughed, "Alright Princess we are going, Daddy won't get on the ride without us." We walked up to this colorful building and Papa showed the guy standing under the big umbrella something on his phone and the guy waved us in. We got to walk right to this big boat looking thing, there was a lady smiling at us, "Welcome to Peter Pan's Flight, How many in your party?" Papa was in the front and he smiled at her, "There's five of us." Alright so I'm going to put 2 in the first ship and then 3 in the next one please." Mommy picked me up and started walking towards the ship behind where Mama and Papa were headed, I looked at them and pointed, "Mama and papa?" Mommy climbed into the seat and scooted over so Daddy could climb in behind us, "Yes Baby, we all don't fit in one boat, so we are going to be right behind them."

The ride started going into a dark tunnel, I whimpered a little bit, and turned towards Mommies chest, She patted my back "You are alright baby, look the ride has started." I turned a little bit and giggled; we were in the nursery! We went out the window and I saw a doggy! "Doggy" I started clapping. Mommy laughed, "Good Job baby, yes that's Nana from peter pan." next we got to see a little town and then I saw Tinkerbell! "Tink mommy, Tink!" "Yes baby, that's Tinkerbell, she is so small isnt she?" I nodded but was amazed to be looking at everything going on. The ride ended way too soon and I got sad, I didn't want it to end yet! We could Mama and Papa getting out of the ride in front of us and I looked at them, then tried to turn around, maybe if I faced the other way, the ride wouldn't be over yet. Daddy sighed, "Come on, sweetie, we are going to go ride another ride, should we go see what else there is to ride?" I turned to look at him, there were more rides!?! I nodded and smiled at him, "More?" Mommy grabbed me and started climbing out, "Yes, little one, there are so many rides here, and I bet you are going to love them all." We met up with Mama and Papa after the moving sidewalk thingy ended, that's what daddy said it was called anyways. "Hi, Babygirl, did you have fun with Peter Pan?" I nodded "Tinkerbell!" Papa chuckled, "Yes and Tinkerbell too." "Come on, lets head over to it's a small world."

Disney World is awesome! I got to go on all the rides! I didn't like the Haunted Mansion or Pirates of the Caribbean too much, but Mama said I was okay, and it was just pretend. The best part of the day was when I got to meet the Princesses. Besides Cinderella in the morning, I got to meet Rapunzel, Merida, Snow White, Ariel, Jasmine, Belle, and my absolute favorite, Tinkerbell! Papa said that the room was super small to fit me, but I think we all just Shrunk, Tinkerbell talked to me for like a whole hour! And I felt even smaller than normal cause everything around me was huge, even Papa and Daddy and Mommy and Mama were bigger than normal.

We got to sit right on the curb to watch the parade. At first, I didn't know why Mama had stopped where she did and sat us down, but then all of a sudden, a lot of people that were playing music walked by, and Papa said the parade was starting. I didn't really know what a parade was until I got to see Mickey and Minnie and Pluto, and the Chipmunks go by on a Float, that's what Mama said the things they ride on were called. When the parade was over, Papa walked away from us for a minute and came back with a ball tied to a string, it had Mickey and Minnie on it! Mommy said it was a balloon, and that it was floating, Papa tied the balloon to my stroller, although I am not sure why they brought it, I had only sat in it once the whole day, when I had just rested my eyes for a second!

**** This in no way is how an experience at Magic Kingdom will go, but it's just a story. 

Sorry it's not the greatest but day at Disney is done you guys! Bittersweet moment for me, because there will probably only be a few more chapters :( 

Also, Sorry it's not longer, I've been working a lot and haven't had time to write. 

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